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“I maintain there is much more wonder in science than in pseudoscience. And in addition, to whatever measure this term has any meaning, science has the additional virtue, and it is not an inconsiderable one, of being true.”

Carl Sagan


Prospective Students

Prospective Students photo

“Because of my background in chemistry and biology, I wanted a project that was very cross disciplinary and gave me the opportunity to have two advisors—one in chemistry and one in biology—that could come together. That was a great selling point!”            Kristina Cook, Program Graduate

Post-doctoral Researcher
Lowy Cancer Research Centre
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australi

  • Students undertake a collaborative Ph.D. project in any area of biomedical investigation with two research mentors--one at the NIH intramural campus in Bethesda, MD and one at either Oxford or Cambridge Universities in the United Kingdom. Students conduct research at both locations and potentially other sites including field work in Africa and elsewhere around the world.
  • All students participate in the enriched environment of the residential colleges of the U.K. Universities and enjoy special educational opportunities for career development and understanding of broader issues surrounding biomedical research.
  • Students earn a D.Phil or Ph.D. from Oxford or Cambridge with an average time to completion of four years, just over half the time it takes to complete a biomedical Ph.D. in the U.S.
  • The program is FULLY FUNDED for U.S. Citizens and permanent residents, with all students receiving tuition and stipend support for the duration of their Ph.D. training.
  • Partnerships with other scholarship programs for training in the U.K. are also possible, including partnerships open to international students.
  • Students may also pursue combined M.D./Ph.D. training with funded partnerships with a broad range of U.S. medical schools through the NIH M.D./Ph.D. Partnership Training Program