cambridge library

“Scientists can wage an effective war on disease only if we – as a nation and as the scientific community – harness the energies of many disciplines, not just biology and medicine.  The allies must include mathematicians, physicists, engineers and computer and behavioral scientists."

Harold Varmus, M.D.

Nobel laureate

Former NIH Director

2008 Colloquium Program

Keynote Speaker

Calendar of Events

Online Google Calendar of Program events can be found here.

2013 Upcoming Program events

February 6 – Brown Bag lunch at the Cottage with Dr. Ted Pierson (NIAID) and Dr. Dan Barber (NIAID), 12 - 1:30 PM
They will discuss aspects of transitioning from a post-doc position to running their own labs.

February 20 – 21 Prospective student interview in Bldg 50 – We will need some volunteers to help.

March 6 – Brown Bag lunch at the Cottage with Dr. Jean Lin, former NIH post-doc and currently an Assistant Professor at Mt Sinai, 12 – 1:30 PM
A followup to the Feb 6 event focusing on the transition from post-doc to professor.

April 16 – Mentoring day at the Cloister, 11 AM to 3:00 PM

Scheduled speakers are:
Dr. Ralph Snyderman – Chancellor Emeritus, Duke University – event moderator
Dr. Rick Fairhurst – NIAID
Dr. Clif Barry – NIAID
Dr. Christopher Plowe - University of Maryland School of Medicine

June 19 - 20 - NIH Scholars-Mentors Annual Colloquium at NIH


Scholars Attend the 2011 Lasker Winners Awards Ceremonies in NYC

Front Row (from left): Arthur L. Horwich, Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award, Tu Youyou, Lasker~ DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award, Dr. John Gallin, NIH Clinical Center Director, Lasker~Bloomberg Public Service Award, Franz-Ulrich Hartl, Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award.

Second Row (from left): NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Mark Ziats, Inn Inn Chen, Jenny Dworzak, Giang Huong Nguyen, Nicholas McBride.

Third Row: (from left): NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Michael Tee, Matthew Biancalana, Adam Knight and Wellcome Trust Scholar Paul Myers.