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For Parents and Teachers:

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icon of a fireworks
US Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Fireworks Image
fireworks don't fly
But here are some tips for getting your fireworks home safely in your personal vehicle.
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Fireworks present a number of hazards, including explosivity and flammability, and are not accepted as either checked or carry-on baggage on commercial airliners.
If you're transporting fireworks for your own use, in your own vehicle, remember these tips:
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Never attempt to light a firework or fuse within your vehicle, either as a driver or a passenger.
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Never smoke near or while handling fireworks.
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Transport fireworks in a sparkproof container, such as a cardboard box. Firework assortments are typically packaged in sparkproof materials.
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Transport fireworks in the trunk of your vehicle not in the passenger compartment.
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If driving a van or other vehicle, without a trunk, always ensure fireworks are kept out of direct sunlight.