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Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton


S-4 Mission Statement:

The logistics section provides support to the Battalion via the six functional areas of logistics (Supply, Maintenance, Health Services, Transportation, Other Services, and General Engineering), as well as through staffing a number of collateral billets (Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives, Force Preservation, Medical/Dental Liaison, Physical Security, Energy Conservation).

MCBP HQSPT Bn S-4 Officer (760) 763-2040

Ground Safety and Force Preservation:

The Battalion logistics officer has been appointed cognizance over these two distinct areas. Ground Safety relates to assessing, mitigating, controlling, and supervising occupational hazards. These include implementing appropriate safety programs, issuing and enforcing the wear of job-specific personal protective equipment, etc. Force Preservation is a much broader program, which includes Ground Safety, suicide awareness training, sexual assault/harassment training, HARP forms for liberty periods, etc. The ultimate aim for both programs is to promote and foster a healthy working environment for our Marines, Sailors, and civilians while also empowering them with the knowledge and foresight to make smart, ethical decisions in their personal lives.

MCBP HQSPT Bn S-4 Officer (760) 763-2040

Armory Mission Statement:

To provide technical and logistical support for personnel assigned to the MCB Camp Pendleton Competitive Shooting Team, Honor Guard and Color Guard Teams, 11-18 Area Guard and Annual Range Qualification Training Evolutions in Headquarters & Support Battalion MCB in order to increase operational and functional effectiveness, administrative simplicity and utility. Hours of operation are from 0345-1700 unless training dictates fluctuations.

H&S Bn MCB Armory NCOIC 760-725-5987

Supply Mission Statement:

The supply section provides direct supply support to HQSPT Battalion to include the acquisition, storage, control, security, issue, recovery and redistribution of all supplies and equipment. Additionally, plan and execute the annually budget and process missing gear statements and pay checkages.

Supply Officer (760)725-6380