
Old Man Markley In Studio

Old Man Markley takes a break in between live performances

on AFN Wiesbaden's afternoon show "Shenanigans with The
Bruce and Liz”.
The Bruce talks with his hands (for once) as the

band warms up
during a commercial break.
Liz lets her excitment show as punk bluegrass music takes

the studio.
The band hits its stride using eight different instruments
live over AFN's airwaves.
Lead singer Johnny Carey strums away on his vintage style guitar
while autoharpest Annie Detemple breaks out her vocals.
Ryan Markley jams away on his washboard. Yes, the band is

named after him but only as a joke. He has a bad back and it
makes him act like an old man. Hence Old Man Markley.
Joey Garibaldi (left) takes questions from DJ's Liz and The Bruce
about his homemade washtub bass as Alex Zablotsky (middle) and
Katie Weed look on.
A washtub bass never looked better as Joey Garibaldi attaches an
AFN The Eagle sticker on it.
With one application Ryan Markley's washboard becomes the
first (as far as we know) to dawn the AFN Eagle
on its face.  
In keeping with studio appearance tradition, Johnny Carey
(center) and Joey Garibaldi (far right) attempt to dance the
AFN Wiesbaden original "Flamingo".  


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