Specific EE Files

FLH EE Main Page

Engineer's Estimate (EE) Program

FLH EE Files

Important Note: You must have a separate directory for each of the following: FP03 - US Customary files (including a copy of the EES), FP03 - Metric files (including a copy of the EES).

The FP03 - US Customary Files and the FP03 - Metric Files listed below are the latest version of the FP03 pay item lists and are formatted for the FLH Engineer's Estimate program. Download and unzip the files in the appropriate directories.

The General FLH File, below, is an excel spreadsheet file that contains both the US Customary and Metric FP03 pay item list for your information. The EES does NOT use this file.
File Revised Size
General FLH Files
   03-Pay-Item-Metric-US.zip 2-06-2013 298 KB
03 - US Customary
   FLH-Item-List-us03.zip 2-06-2013 118 KB
03 - Metric Files
   FLH-Item-List-m03.zip 2-06-2013 120 KB