
Targeting Health

Photo - SGM Eric P. Holland

Sergeant Major, PHCR-Europe

SGM Eric P. Holland
United States Army
Sergeant Major

"As the Sergeant Major at the United States Army Public Health Command Region-Europe (PHCR-Europe), I am dedicated to train and develop the Soldiers who provide the necessary skills to combat Disease and Non-Battle Injury (DNBI). Throughout USEUCOM and USCENTCOM, the Soldiers and Civilians at PHCR-Europe constantly maintain proficiency on the cutting edge of technology to enforce standards, develop insightful resolutions, and create positive behavior patterns proven to be successful. The reduction of DNBI on and off the battlefield provides the long-term durability and sustainability of our Nations Warfighters, their Family Members, and Department of Defense Civilians. The public health needs provided by PHCR-Europe personnel are second to none, and your concerns will be addressed by our competent professionals."

PHCR-Europe MISSION: Provide comprehensive military public health programs in support of garrisons, training areas, and contingency and combat forces operating in USEUCOM and USCENTCOM AORs to sustain force health protection and readiness.

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