Read about what others are saying about Congressman Crenshaw's leadership in Congress:

  • National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons, on recognizing Congressman Crenshaw with the NAM Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence, January 28, 2013: 

"Manufacturers today compete in a global marketplace. It is critical that Washington creates policies to keep us competitive and maintain our mantle of economic leadership. Congressman Crenshaw understands this and has consistently supported pro-manufacturing agenda through his votes in Congress."

  • National Federation of Independent Business President and CEO Dan Danner on Congressman Crenshaw's fight to help small businesses grow the economy and create jobs, September 13, 2012:

"In the 112th Congress, Representative Ander Crenshaw proved that he is a champion of small business. The Guardian of Small Business Award is a legislative award given to U.S. Representatives and Senators who vote to promote and protect the right of small-business owners to own, operate, and grow their businesses."

  • Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America President Richard Geswell on organization's 10th annual advocacy program, May 30, 2012:

"In order for us to expedite finding cures for these diseases, we must have the support of Congress. We are especially grateful to Representatives Ander Crenshaw (R-FL) and Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) for their support."

  • Jacksonville Times Union publishes "Rave" on Congressman Crenshaw and the House Republican Leadership’s fight for fiscal responsibility. Times Union, March 29, 2012:

GOP on proper road to

Huge raves to [Rep.] Ander Crenshaw and his fellow Republican congressional leaders. When the disaster known as [House] Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi started her destruction, the unemployment rate was 4.8 percent and the federal deficit reduced to $140 billion. The unemployment rate doubled and deficit grew tenfold during her hostage takeover. Since the Republicans retook the House of Representatives, both indices are back on their proper path.

  • Former head of Jacksonville's military affairs office and retired Navy captain Bob Buehn on Congressman Crenshaw’s continuing fight to homeport a nuclear aircraft carrier at Naval Station Mayport. Times Union, February 20, 2012:

 “Crenshaw, who Buehn and others described as the leader of the effort, said it was never about politics.” Crenshaw later stated, “…. it's about what's in the best interest of our national security.”

  • Michael Morris, National Disability Institute's Executive Director, on November 15, 2011 regarding the re- introduction of ABLE Act:

“National Disability Institute thanks Rep. Crenshaw and Sen. Casey for their continued, bipartisan leadership in championing this important legislation for persons with disabilities.”

  • Healthcare Leadership Council President Mary R. Grealy on honoring Congressman Crenshaw as a "Champion of Healthcare Innovation" on October 5, 2011: 

"Our healthcare system is facing difficult and complex challenges.  Constant innovation is critical to addressing these challenges and providing all Americans with high-quality, affordable healthcare.  We're grateful for Congressman Crenshaw's leadership and commitment in advancing 21st century healthcare that is both accessible and cost-effective."

  • Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare Home Association of Florida, August 30, 2011, as printed in the Florida Times Union:

"Thank you, Representative Ander Crenshaw, for supporting seniors and protecting patients access to quality home healthcare. We applaud your outstanding leadership on behalf of Florida's seniors."

  • July 25, 2011 report on Congressman Crenshaw’s ongoing fight for fiscal responsibility:

“The U.S. House voted late last week to cut its own budget (and other legislative items) by 6.4 percent from where it was last year and more than 12 percent from the initial request. This is a big victory for U.S. Rep. Ander Crenshaw, the First Coast Republican who was in charge of that cut.”

  • American Shore & Beach Preservation Association President Harry Simmons, on recognizing Congressman Crenshaw as a "Friend of the Coast" at a March 2, 2011 Capitol Hill ceremony:

“This award is given to those who devote so much of their time and energy to preserving and protecting the coast of the United States, as well as those communities who depend on the coast. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize your support of beach renourishment funding for our nation’s coats, specifically in regards to Duval County, Florida, one of ASBPA’s Best Restored Beaches.”

  • House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) on naming Congressman Crenshaw to subcommittee posts for the 112th Congress:

“Congressman Crenshaw’s leadership and knowledge of defense, military, and fiscal issues made him a natural choice to sit on the Defense and Homeland Security Subcommittees and to chair the Legislative Branch subcommittee. I have every confidence that he will help his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make the tough decisions that are ahead and that he will continue to serve his state and our nation well.”

  • American Conservative Union Chairman David Keene on honoring Congressman Crenshaw with the organization’s Conservative Award for his legislative record for the first session of the 111th Congress (2009):

“This award is a reflection of Representative Ander Crenshaw’s consistent support of conservative principles on a wide range of issues of concern to grass roots conservatives in 2009. At a challenging time when the fundamental principles on which the American system of government are being challenged, he stands with those who are trying to preserve those principles.”

  • Thomas J. Donahue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber, on presenting Congressman Crenshaw with the United States Chamber of Commerce “Spirit of Enterprise” award for his legislative record in support of America’s businesses and job growth during the first session of the 111th Congress (2009):

“The Chamber applauds Representative Crenshaw for supporting the private sector and job growth through these difficult times. He has demonstrated great courage and we commend him.”

  • Jeffrey Leach on how Congressman Crenshaw’s Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) legislation will help his young daughter Sydney, who was born with Down Syndrome:

“The ABLE Act will allow Sydney to earn a salary and put part of that money into an ABLE savings account. It will also allow her family to give her monetary gifts that may be used for future expenses. This account will have a tremendous effect on Sydney’s future and we are so appreciative of Representative Crenshaw and all of the members of Congress who have signed on as co-sponsors of this bill.”

  • Jon Colman, President of the National Down Syndrome Society, recognizing Congressman Crenshaw for his dedication toward passing the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) legislation:

“Americans with Down syndrome - 400,000 of them - and their families are enormously grateful to Congressman Crenshaw for his determination and ongoing leadership to bring the Achieving A Better Life Experience Act to passage. This bill will allow people with Down syndrome and other disabilities to save for expenses like education, housing and transportation and will provide an incentive for them to become more productive and independent.”

  • Dan Danner, National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President and CEO, on announcing Congressman Crenshaw’s receipt of the “Guardian of Small Business” Award in the 111th Congress (2009, 2010):

“Small business owners pay close attention to how their lawmakers vote on the issues affecting their businesses. The Guardian award is a symbol of sincere appreciation from the small business community for votes that supported their ability to own, operate, and grow their businesses.”

  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Chair of The Elders, underscoring his support for the International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act and praising Congressman Crenshaw for his leadership on the legislation:

“As an independent group of global leaders, brought together by Nelson Mandela, we seek to address major causes of human suffering and promote the shared interests of humanity. Part of that effort involves speaking out about gender discrimination and the oppression of girls and women, issues we know many members of the House care about as well … We thank you for your attention and dedication to passing this bill before Congress adjourns. By doing so, you may help make the difference between lives of opportunity or enslavement for millions of young girls in the developing world.”

Former head of Jacksonville's military affairs office and retired Navy captain Bob Buehn on Congressman Crenshaw’s continuing fight to homeport a nuclear aircraft carrier at Naval Station Mayport. Times Union, February 20, 2012:

“Crenshaw, who Buehn and others described as the leader of the effort, said it was never about politics.” Crenshaw later stated, “…. it's about what's in the best interest of our national security.”