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Naming Measures

NQMC recognized during its developmental phase that the titles of measures varied significantly across measure developers. Examining the structure of titles from each measure developer indicated that there was no standardized method of naming measures.

In order to capture the salient components of a measure in its title and to produce continuity in style for presentation purposes on the Web site, naming conventions were developed for each domain of measurement in NQMC and are represented in the “Title” field of the NQMC measure summary.

The NQMC measure title is a synthesized form of the original measure name and/or measure description. The original measure name is captured in the "Original Title" field of the NQMC measure summary, to facilitate identification of developers' measures.

Each measure submitted and accepted into NQMC is renamed following the NQMC Naming Conventions. Examples of the NQMC Naming Convention are represented below.

Example of a Measure in the Access Domain:

Children and adolescents’ access to primary care practitioners: percentage of members 12 months to 19 years of age who had a visit with a primary care practitioner in the past year.

Example of a Measure in the Patient Experience Domain:

Family members' satisfaction with care in the intensive care unit: mean score on the

Example of a Measure in the Population Health State Domain:

Perforated appendix admission rate (area-level): number of patients admitted for perforated appendix per 100 admissions for appendicitis within an area.