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Measure Hierarchy

NQMC enables users to view groups of measures within their organizational context. This presentation of measure relationships is called the Measure Hierarchy. The levels of the hierarchy captured at NQMC, where applicable, are Collection, Set, Subset, Composite, and Measure. For a given measure, the hierarchy may not include all of these levels.

  • A Collection is the highest possible level of the measure hierarchy. A Collection may contain one or more Sets, Subsets, Composites, and/or Individual Measures.
  • A Set is the second level of the hierarchy. A Set may include one or more Subsets, Composites, and/or Individual Measures.
  • A Subset is the third level of the hierarchy. A Subset may include one or more Composites, and/or Individual Measures.
  • A Composite is a measure with a score that is an aggregate of scores from other measures. A Composite may include one or more other Composites and/or Individual Measures. Composites may be comprised of component Measures that can or cannot be used on their own; this information is provided in the Description field of the Measure Summaries.
  • A Measure is the lowest level of the hierarchy and may belong to a Composite, Subset, Set, and/or Collection.

NQMC depicts the hierarchy in the Organization Browse by indenting each subsequent level of an organization and providing the level type in brackets (e.g., Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators [Collection]). Users may click on the Collection, Set, Subset, or Composite hyperlinks to drill down to the subsequent levels of the hierarchy. Individual Measures are listed at the lowest level of the hierarchy. Clicking on a measure's title will display a Measure Summary for that measure.

For example, the measure "Acute stroke: mortality rate" is one of the measures in the AHRQ Inpatient Quality Indicators Set which in turn belongs to the AHRQ Quality Indicators Collection. The hierarchy for this example would appear as follows:

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
    • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators [Collection]
      • Inpatient Quality Indicators [Set]

Measures 1 to 3 of 3

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI): mortality rate. 2008 Feb. NQMC:004076
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Acute stroke: mortality rate. 2008 Feb. NQMC:004079
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Carotid endarterectomy: mortality rate. 2008 Feb. NQMC:004069
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Note: The levels Subset and Composite do not apply in this example and are not represented in this example of the hierarchy.

As a reminder, the Organization Browse contains the compilation of measures from the developer organization that met the NQMC Inclusion Criteria. Some organizations may have additional measures that do not meet the NQMC Inclusion Criteria. Additionally, not all measures from a particular organization may have been submitted to NQMC. Therefore, the compilation of measures for an organization, represented in the Organization Browse, may not include all of the organization's measures. The NQMC related feature Measure Index can also be used to view measures organized alphabetically by measure developer and/or submitter name.

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