With boots on the ground in Afghanistan, Project Manager Joint Battle Command-Platform is equipping Soldiers with the next-generation situational awareness tool known as Joint Capabilities Release, an upgrade that is being fielded both prior to and as part of Capability Set 13. The capability Soldiers rely on for situational awareness, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below/Blue Force Tracking, is being upgraded in two phases: Joint Capabilities Release followed by Joint Battle Command-Platform.

Army upgrades blue force tracking in Afghanistan to prepare for new network

With boots on the ground in Afghanistan, Project Manager Joint Battle Command-Platform is equipping Soldiers with the next-generation situational awareness tool known as Joint Capabilities Release, an upgrade that is being fielded both prior to......READ MORE

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Mission Statement:
Provide our Soldiers a decisive advantage in any mission by developing, acquiring, fielding, and sustaining the world's best equipment and services and leveraging technologies and capabilities to meet current and future Army needs.

Vision Statement:
Highly efficient, effective, agile organization responsible for acquiring, developing, delivering, supporting and sustaining the most capable affordable systems and services for our Soldiers. Enabling our Soldiers to dominate the battlespace, safely and securely. Enabling our Soldiers to achieve first look, first strike advantage with unprecedented speed and accuracy.


Army Acquisition Executive & Assistant Secretary, Acquisition, Logistics and Technology - Hon. Heidi Shyu


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Page last updated Thu February 14th, 2013 at 09:15