Secretary Clinton Announces Global Economic Statecraft Day, June 14, 2012

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 12, 2012


As part of the effort to promote the growth of U.S. business abroad, today Secretary Clinton announced June 14 as the first ever Global Economic Statecraft Day. As the capstone event for the day, Secretary Clinton will deliver a speech to the 2012 U.S. AGOA Forum and address how enhancing infrastructure in Africa folds into the department's overall economic statecraft agenda. Additionally, U.S. embassies around the world will use this day to host over 160 events in over 125 countries to encourage connections between American businesses and foreign markets. U.S. diplomats will also visit their hometowns to explain how local companies can connect with markets overseas and attract foreign investment to their communities.

Events will be held in a wide variety of countries, including:

  • Brazil – a Direct Line webchat connecting American business with export opportunities in Brazil.
  • Australia – a webinar for U.S. firms to access clean energy opportunities in Australia.
  • Uzbekistan – American business representative and local business women will work on expanding opportunities for women entrepreneurs and regional trade.
  • Japan – a recipe and cooking contest will be held among leading hotel chefs to promote the use and export of U.S. agricultural products.

View the Secretary’s video announcment here.

PRN: 2012/954


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