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PC Software Download - CALIBRAT

CALIBRAT - Version 1.0

[April, 1992]


This program is used to determine the scale and constant corrections for electronic distance measuring instruments by making measurements over previously determined base lines. The formulas used in the program are found in NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS-10: Use of Calibration Base Lines.
  • Download the PC executable

  • View/Download the Turbo BASIC source code

  • View the program documentation.

  • ZIP'ed archive of entire CALBRAT distribution [82.8 KB]

RELATED SOFTWARE:  GETM2M11 can be used to facilitate the creation of the input constraint file for CALIBRAT.

  • Download the PC executable

  • View the program documentation.

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For questions about this page or downloading problems,
contact the Webmaster. Last Modified:
April 15, 2011.