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The Travel Forecasting Resource (TF Resource) is a collaborative effort to collect travel forecasting resources and to augment those resources with the experience and practical understanding of the travel forecasting community.
In 2008, FHWA issued a "Guidance Memorandum on the Consideration and Implementation of Proven Safety Countermeasures" ( which highlights when and where we believe certain processes, design techniques, or safety countermeasures should be used. Many of the countermeasures promoted in 2008 have been widely applied and FHWA is updating its previous guidance. While agencies should still consider the application of all of the countermeasures listed in the 2008 memo, the 2012 "Guidance Memorandum on Promoting the Implementation of Proven Safety Countermeasures" ( supersedes that from four years ago and takes into consideration the latest safety research. Safety practitioners are encouraged to consider this new set of countermeasures that are research-proven, but not widely applied on a national basis.
The National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse is dedicated to providing the transportation construction industry and the general public with comprehensive information to improve motorist, worker and pedestrian safety in roadway work zones.

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