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Polis, Blumenauer Bills De-Federalize Marijuana Prohibition
February 5, 2013  - Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) today introduced two pieces of legislation to de-federalize marijuana policy and create a framework for the federal taxation of cannabis. Polis’ Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act would remove the Drug Enforcement Agency’s a...More

Race to the Top Bill Will Strengthen Education Reform Efforts
January 24, 2013  - Congressman Jared Polis today offered legislation authorizing the highly successful Race to the Top (RTT) competitive education reform grant initiative. RTT provides grants to states and school districts, including in Colorado, that demonstrate a strong commitment to bold educational reforms to clos...More

Testimony Before the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on Fracking
January 8, 2013  - I want to thank the Commission for the opportunity to comment on its draft setback rules. I am testifying today because the outcome of this rulemaking is extremely important to the people I represent in the second congressional district of Colorado. My testimony addresses two issues: (1) buffer zone...More

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