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About the International Cancer Research Partnership and the CSO Coding Schema

The International Cancer Research Partnership was formed in 2000 and is an active network of senior representatives from organizations united in a collaborative effort to promote coordinated progress in cancer research. Currently, the ICRP consists of cancer research funding organizations within the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and Japan who have agreed to apply a common language-the Common Scientific Outline (CSO)-for discussing, comparing, and presenting their cancer research portfolios. The CSO classification system provides the tools needed to lay the groundwork for collective portfolio analyses and coordinated strategic planning among the Partner organizations.

ICRP members represent some of the largest funders of cancer research in the world. Members share award funding data in a common format to allow comparisons across all organizations. Part of the dataset is made available to the public ( and contributing partners have full access in a password-protected site.

The Common Scientific Outline, or CSO, is a classification system organized around seven broad areas of scientific interest in cancer research:
  • Biology
  • Etiology (causes of cancer)
  • Prevention
  • Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
  • Treatment
  • Cancer Control, Survivorship, and Outcomes Research
  • Scientific Model Systems

Breast Cancer

BCRP FY93-11 Awards Categorized by the Common Scientific Outline

Lung Cancer

LCRP FY09-11 Awards Categorized by the Common Scientific Outline

Ovarian Cancer

OCRP FY97-11 Awards Categorized by the Common Scientific Outline

Peer Reviewed Cancer

PRCRP FY09-11 Awards Categorized by the Common Scientific Outline

Prostate Cancer

PCRP FY97-11 Awards Categorized by the Common Scientific Outline