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NIH Recycling Survey Results

Thank you to all employees who participated in the NIH Recycling Survey.  Your responses will help NIH identify and develop strategies to reduce waste and increase recycling.  Some results of the survey appear below.

Six percent of NIH employees responded to the survey and provided valuable information regarding their recycling practices, awareness of waste options, and ideas for improvement.

  • 64% of respondents indicated they are very knowledgeable about the recycling program at their work location.  Only 9% indicated they are not at all knowledgeable.
  • 69% of respondents have a desk-side recycling bin.
  • 62% would support a program where they empty their own recycling and trash into a centralized container.
  • 83% of respondents who contacted their Recycling Provider during the past year were extremely satisfied.
  • More than 73% of the respondents recycle at least 50% of the waste they generate at work.

 For more results, including a list of our current and future initiatives, please view the NIH Recycling Survey: Summary Report.