Vote History

  • February 2012 Vote History
    Feb 1, 2012  - February Vote History Budget, Taxes and the Economy (20) - HR 3567: TANF Benefit Restrictions - Passage February 01, 2012 - Boustany, R-La., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would require states to implement policies ensuring that Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) pro... More
  • January 2012 Vote History
    Jan 1, 2012  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (2) - H Res 515: Debt Limit Disapproval - Previous Question January 18, 2012 - Scott, R-S.C., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 515) that would provide for a motion to proceed to a join... More
  • December 2011 Vote History
    Dec 1, 2011  - December Vote History Budget, Taxes and the Economy (917) - HR 3630: Year-End Extensions - Question of Consideration December 13, 2011 - Question of whether the House should consider the rule (H Res 491) that would provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would extend a payroll tax red... More
  • November 2011 Vote History
    Nov 1, 2011  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (819) - HR 1965: SEC Asset Value Threshold Increase - Passage November 02, 2011 - Schweikert, R-Ariz., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would raise, from $1 million to $10 million, the total asset value that would trigger a Securities and Exchange Comm... More
  • October 2011 Vote History
    Oct 1, 2011  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (745) - HR 2608: Short-Term Continuing Appropriations - Motion to Concur October 04, 2011 - Rogers, R-Ky., motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill that would make continuing appropriations through Nov. 18, 2011, at an annualized rate of $1.043 trillion. It ... More
  • September 2011 Vote History
    Sep 1, 2011  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (706) - H J Res 77: Debt Limit Disapproval - Passage September 14, 2011 - Passage of the joint resolution that would disapprove of a request by the president for a $900 billion debt limit increase. Under current law, the debt limit was increased by $400 billion. An addi... More
  • August 2011 Vote History
    Aug 1, 2011  - Domestic (683) - HR 2715: Lead Standards in Toys - Passage August 01, 2011 - Bono Mack, R-Calif., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would exempt bicycles and ATVs from federal lead standards for children's toys. The bill would authorize the Consumer Product Safety Commission to gran... More
  • July 2011 Vote History
    Jul 1, 2011  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (603) - HR 2560: Spending Cap and Conditional Debt-Limit Increase - Previous Question July 19, 2011 - Woodall, R-Ga., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on adoption of the rule (H Res 355) that would provide for House... More
  • June 2011 Vote History
    Jun 1, 2011  - Agriculture and Rural Development (419) - HR 2112: Fiscal 2012 Agriculture Appropriations - Rule June 14, 2011 - Adoption of the rule (H Res 300) that would provide for House floor consideration of the bill that would provide $125.5 billion in total funds for the Agriculture Department, the Food an... More
  • May 2011 Vote History
    May 1, 2011  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (379) - HR 1954: Debt Limit Increase - Passage May 31, 2011 - Camp, R-Mich., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would increase the statutory debt limit by $2.406 trillion to $16.7 trillion. Motion rejected 97-318. Vote: Nay Business and Labor (378) - S ... More