About OGIS

Office of Government Information Services

Special Thanks

OGIS is grateful to the 111th Congress: Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Patrick Leahy, Committee Member Senator John Cornyn, and Representative William Lacy Clay, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and their personal and committee staffs. OGIS looks forward to working with the 112th Congress, including those previously mentioned as well as Representative Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Representative Trey Gowdy, chairman of that committee's Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives, and their personal and committee staffs.

OGIS would like to thank several professionals for their outstanding work with OGIS and on behalf of FOIA.

OGIS appreciates the dedication of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Alternative Dispute Resolution Specialists Paula Felt, Deirdre Gallagher, and Jerrilynne Purdy who assisted OGIS in developing and presenting agency training programs. The commitment of these FERC professionals made possible this innovative collaboration.

Although OGIS has successfully interacted with many FOIA Public Liaisons, three FOIA Public Liaisons are leaders in their efforts to work collaboratively with OGIS. The Office's interactions with FBI FOIA Public Liaison Dennis Argall, DHS FOIA Public Liaison William Holzerland, and former VA Public Liaison Lizzette Katilius have been particularly effective and efficient, and in many cases have led to resolution of issues.

OGIS appreciates Treasury Department attorney Allan Blutstein's patience in providing OGIS with a roadmap for how the Department operates. OGIS also is grateful for the continuous help in understanding the FOIA structure of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), provided by Carol Maloney, director of the Division of FOIA Services for the HHS Program Support Center.

Many thanks go to Adrianna Rodriguez, OGIS's first law clerk and a student at Harvard Law School, who worked diligently—and without pay—to advance OGIS's mission with her excellent legal research and writing.

Finally, the American Society of Access Professionals (ASAP) and its Executive Director, Claire Shanley, provided opportunities early and often for OGIS to participate in ASAP programs, for which OGIS is most grateful.


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