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Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP)

The deadline for submitting proposals is December 3, 2012.

Created by the U.S. Congress in 2001, the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation provides grants to preserve historic sites, artifacts, manuscripts and museum collections, as well as traditional forms of expression, such as music, dance, and language.  Administered by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, these cultural preservation awards are based on the importance of the site, the object or traditional form of expression to be preserved, as well as the urgency of its preservation need.  Government agencies, cultural organizations, educational institutions, NGOs and individuals can submit proposals.  After reviewing the proposals, the Ambassador submits the most compelling ones to the State Department for final consideration.  For further information about AFCP worldwide, please visit

AFCP supports projects that are appropriate and in keeping with international standards for the preservation of cultural heritage in three categories.  These projects may involve:

A.  In the case of Cultural Sites, restoration of a historic building, preservation of an archaeological site, or documentation of cultural sites in a region for preservation purposes.

B.  In the case of Cultural Objects and Collections, conservation treatment for an object or collection of objects; needs assessment of a collection with respect to its condition and strategies for improving its state of conservation; inventory of a collection for conservation and protection purposes; the creation of safe environments for storage or display of collections; or specialized training in the care and preservation of collections.

C.  In the case of Forms of Traditional Cultural Expression, documentation and audiovisual recording of traditional music and dance forms for preservation and eventual dissemination, or support for training in the preservation of traditional arts or crafts in danger of extinction.

Projects must begin before September 30, 2013, and conclude no later than September 30, 2017.  AFCP encourages cost sharing, contributions in kind, and other forms of cost participation.  Proposals may be submitted by reputable and accountable non-governmental organizations, museums, ministries of culture, or similar institutions and organizations that are able to demonstrate that they have the requisite experience and capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage.  The deadline for submitting proposals is December 3, 2012.

Project proposals must include or address the following:

A.  Project purpose that briefly explains the project objectives and desired results;

B.  Project activities description that explains how the applicant intends to achieve the project objectives and results, presents proposed tasks in a logical order, and describes how those tasks directly contribute towards achieving the project objectives and results;

C.  Project timeframe or schedule that identifies the major project phases and milestones, with performance target dates for achieving them;

D.  Statement of importance highlighting the historic, architectural, artistic, or cultural values of the cultural site, object, collection, or form of traditional expression;

E.  Statement of urgency indicating the severity of the situation and explaining why the project must take place now;

F.  Detailed project budget, demarcated in one-year budget periods (2013, 2014, 2015, etc.), that lists all costs in separate categories (Personnel, Travel [including Per Diem], Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other Direct Costs), and indicates funds from other sources;

G.  Project participant information, specifically an estimated number of non-US and US participants and estimated number of primary and secondary participants, as well as resumes or CVs of the proposed project director and key project participants, that demonstrates that the applying entity has the requisite experience and the capacity to manage projects to preserve cultural heritage;

H.  Statement of importance highlighting the historic, architectural, artistic, or cultural (non-religious) values of the cultural site, object, collection, or form of traditional expression;

J.  Statement of sustainability outlining the steps or measures that will be taken to maintain the site, object, or collection in good condition after the AFCP-supported project is complete; or, in the case of forms of traditional cultural expression, to preserve and disseminate the documentation, knowledge, or skills either resulting or gained from the project;

I. Statement of urgency indicating the severity of the situation and explaining why the project must take place now;

J. Statement of sustainability outlining the steps or measures that will be taken to maintain the site, object, or collection in good condition after the AFCP-supported project is complete; or, in the case of forms of traditional cultural expression, to preserve and disseminate the documentation, knowledge, or skills either resulting or gained from the project;

K.  Attachments, including at least five high quality digital images (JPEGs) or audiovisual files that convey the nature and condition of the site, object, or form of expression and, in the case of a site or object, show the urgency or need for the proposed project.

Please note that the following types of projects are not eligible:

  • Conservation of natural heritage (physical, biological, and geological formations, habitats of threatened species of animals and plants, fossils, etc.);
  • Conservation or purchase of privately owned residential or commercial property or collections;
  • Reconstruction or re-creation of historic objects, buildings, or sites;
  • Construction of new buildings;
  • Administrative costs in excess of 5% of project costs;
  • International travel

Please scan completed application forms (in English or Russian) and send to  The subject line should read “Cultural Preservation.

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