UN Effectiveness

Statement by Ambassador Rice Following UNGA Vote on Palestinian Observer State Status

The U.S. calls upon both the parties to resume direct talks without preconditions on all the issues that divide them. And we pledge that the United States will be there to support the parties vigorously in such efforts.

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U.S. Joins the Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN)

The U.S. is strongly committed to an effective multilateral system and supports MOPAN’s work as a vital contribution to international efforts to review and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of international organizations.

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Save the Date! Visit the U.S. Mission Stand at U.N. Open Day on 15 September 2012


UN Open Day is a great way to learn about the work of the United Nations and the diplomatic Missions in Geneva. We hope to see many of you there!

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Esther Brimmer on the Importance of Multilateral Engagement in U.S. Foreign Policy

We’re committed to improving the institutions we work with, whether on nuclear nonproliferation or food security, global health or urbanization.

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UN Effectiveness: Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability across all of the UN system remains a top priority for the United States. The U.S. Mission in Geneva is dedicated to ensuring that the UN Specialized Agencies located in Switzerland continually improve their administration and oversight to assure transparency and accountability. Consistent with the demands of world leaders for a more “efficient, effective, transparent and accountable Organization,” the United States has identified key areas where Member States can exercise greater oversight and increase transparency and accountability to ensure that funds are utilized efficiently and effectively for their intended purpose.

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Remarks on U.N. Reform by U.S. Envoy Torsella

This Administration believes in UN reform just as it believes in multilateral diplomacy and paying our UN bills on time and in full. And for the same reason. Because a strong, effective UN is critical to American national security. Because – at its best — the UN can help prevent conflict, keep the peace, isolate terrorists and criminals, go where nobody else will to care for the neediest of the world, smooth the channels of global commerce, and promote universal values that Americans hold dear. That’s why the United States led in creating the UN in 1945, and why we continue to lead in renewing the UN today.

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Obama Administration Details U.S. Agenda for U.N. Reforms


President Obama has announced a comprehensive agenda for building a modern, more efficient and more capable United Nations through steps that include increased fiscal responsibility, accountability and effectiveness. “The Obama administration is committed to achieving a reformed and renewed U.N. that saves lives, keeps the peace, seeds development, finds common solutions to the urgent problems of a new century, operates effectively and lives within its means,” the U.S. Mission to the United Nations said in a press release January 20.

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Americans Abroad: Getting Things Done in Geneva

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva is pleased to present the first interview in a new series entitled “Americans Abroad: Getting Things Done in Geneva” in which we will highlight the important work Americans do at the UN and other international organizations in Geneva.

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