
U.N. Workers in Syria Are Heroic, State Dept. Official Says


Aid workers are risking their lives, and doing so with international aid financed in part by the United States, to help Syrians suffering from the brutality of the Asad regime.

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U.S. Contributes an Initial $171 Million to the UN Refugee Agency

This year’s initial contribution funded through the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, will support UNHCR efforts worldwide.

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Kuwait, U.S., U.N. Show Global Solidarity in Humanitarian Effort


An international pledging conference in Kuwait January 30 allowed attending nations to show “global solidarity” in support of humanitarian needs for Syrians, according to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

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Syrian Refugees Tell U.S. Officials “Heartbreaking” Stories


More than 650,000 Syrian refugees have fled the 2-year-old uprising in their country, traveling to neighboring Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt, according to U.N. officials.

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U.S. Expresses Deep Concern Over Airstrike Killing Palestinian Refugees in Syria

These latest attacks mark a significant and alarming escalation of the conflict in Syria. All parties must stop unlawful attacks on civilians and comply with international law.

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U.S. Provides Additional $14 Million in Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian Crisis


With this new assistance, the United States is providing $210 million in humanitarian assistance to help over 1.5 million people inside Syria and the hundreds of thousands who have fled to neighboring countries.

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Press Briefing on the Humanitarian Effort in Syria and Neighboring Countries

The U.S. pledges additional funding for aid effort, urgently calls on all parties to allow aid to reach Syrians most in need.

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Over Two Million Syrians in Need of Aid as Winter Approaches

Deputy Assistant Secretary Clements Addresses the Syria Humanitarian Forum

The humanitarian situation in Syria is dire. Significantly more than one million people are displaced and at least double that number needs humanitarian assistance.

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New Minimum Standards for Child Protection a “Milestone in Collective Action”

Minimum Standards for Child Protection

Press Conference on the Launch of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action With Neil Boothby USAID Special Advisor and Senior Coordinator On Children in Adversity Mike Penrose Humanitarian Director, Save the Children Annette Lyth UNICEF October 29, 2012 (Link to additional background and text of standards) Dr. Boothby:  Thank you very much [...]

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Ambassador King remarks on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Child Protection

In humanitarian situations across the world, children are likely to make up half or more of the population affected by conflicts or disasters. The Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) launched a set of interagency Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action developed as common guidelines for the global humanitarian community. U.S. Ambassador Betty E. King and Swiss Ambassador Alexandre Fasel co-hosted the launch of the CPWG standards.

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