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Featured photo: OPIC President Elizabeth Littlefield speaks at the World Economic Forum

January 25, 2013

This image from a screen recapping events at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland captures a quote from OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield. She is speaking on a panel about Scaling Social Innovation, and is participating in multiple events at the Forum exploring ways to address transformative social and environmental change.

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OPIC returns to Davos for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting

January 22, 2013

OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield joins a large group of business and political leaders from around the world gathering in Davos, Switzerland this week for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). For more than 40 years, the event has focused high-level discussions around some of the biggest challenges facing the planet, and sought to identify solutions
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Ensuring accountability in international development

December 20, 2012

One of the key components of effective development is effective conflict resolution. Unresolved conflicts with local communities can result in higher costs, delays or even abandonment of projects. Last month, OPIC Director of Accountability, Dr. Keith Kozloff sat on a panel on Independent Accountability at the Washington Chapter of the Society for International Development (SID) to discuss the ways accountability
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Supporting investment in Afghanistan

December 10, 2012

Last week, OPIC joined the Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce’s 8th Annual U.S.-Afghanistan Business Matchmaking Conference, where OPIC Senior Investment Officer John Didiuk (pictured) discussed the agency’s mission, private sector development and the potential for business finance in Afghanistan. The two-day conference and trade show, designed to help U.S. businesses learn about opportunities in Afghanistan, also featured panel discussions covering the
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Secretary Hillary Clinton awards OPIC client Sorwathe with Award for Corporate Excellence

November 28, 2012

Today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented the U.S. Department of State 2012 small-medium sized business Award for Corporate Excellence to OPIC client Sorwathe, a Rwandan tea processing factory. The award honors U.S. business practices, corporate social responsibility and innovation in a company’s overseas operations. The company was chosen from 82 nominees and 11 finalists as the recipient of the
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Supporting the development of the next generation of African leaders

November 14, 2012

Africa’s labor force will be larger than China’s by 2035, according to statistics recently released by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. By the end of the century, 41 percent of the world’s youth live in African. The Mo Ibrahim Foundation, which invests in governance and leadership to catalyze Africa’s transformation, has also released some other, less optimistic numbers about the continent,
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Sustainability: The new normal for business

November 12, 2012

Today, the World Economic Forum will host what is billed as “the world’s largest brainstorming meeting” – the Summit on the Global Agenda. Eight hundred leaders from the world’s business, political and academic communities will discuss ways to foster sustainable business practices to help build a “greener and socially more inclusive world.” The topic of focus at this year’s forum
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OPIC helps kick off ILPA webcast series

August 23, 2012

Last week, during a live webcast entitled Emerging Market Private Equity – Part 1: “A Growth Story,” OPIC’s Chief Investment Strategist Jay Koh highlighted ways to be successful in emerging market private equity.  Koh and International Finance Corporation Chief Investment Officer and Manager David Wilton hosted the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) sponsored webcast, which attracted nearly 100 active participants.
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International Youth Day 2012

August 09, 2012

Sunday, August 12 is International Youth Day, an annual observance supported by the United Nations (UN) calling attention to youth issues worldwide. In both developing and developed countries, young people face pressing global challenges, such as high levels of unemployment and subpar working conditions. They are seemingly left out while their leaders make decisions on their future. The UN provides
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U.S. businesses are underrepresented in emerging markets, Littlefield says

July 17, 2012

At a time that the U.S. economy is tied more closely than ever to the world economy and some of the strongest economic growth is occurring in developing countries, American businesses are underrepresented in many of these high-growth regions, OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield said. Littlefield, who spoke on Tuesday, July 17 at the Women in Finance symposium at
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