Oil on water, contained in boom. Ship in background.
A boom containing oil after a 2010 spill near Adak, Alaska.

Note: Spill Tools is no longer under active development and does not run on the latest operating systems. It is being replaced by the Response Options Calculator (ROC). A beta version of ROC is available on the Genwest Systems website at http://www.genwest.com/roc.

The Response Options Calculator can be used to assess system performance involving mechanical recovery, dispersant application, and the burning of oil. ROC predicts how the spilled oil will weather over time and the volume of oil that can be recovered, burned, or treated for the response systems selected. It is available for download as a zipped program or can be used online.

Spill Tools™ are computer-based tools and learning aids designed to help oil spill planners and responders in both the government and private sector develop response plans that save time and money.

The Tools include programs to calculate the fate of oil spilled onto water and spill control rates for chemical, thermal, and mechanical treatment methods. Spill Tools also provide methods that Area Committees can use to evaluate the capacity of local resources to reduce the impacts of spills.

The three main components of Spill Tools include the Mechanical Equipment Calculator, the In Situ Burn Calculator, and the Dispersant Mission Planner.

To learn more about Spill Tools, review the following:

The Spill Tools are Oracle Media Objects™ stacks that run on Macs as well as in Microsoft Windows. To run, they need the runtime application "OMOPlayer" and supporting files, which are distributed with them.

Dispersant Mission Planner 2 (DMP2)

DMP2 is an update to the Dispersant Mission Planner that was originally part of the Spill Tools™ software collection. The Dispersant Mission Planner component of Spill Tools, known as DMP2, is a stand-alone product that enables Oil Spill Removal Organizations (OSROs) to evaluate Effective Daily Application Capacities (EDAC) for different dispersant application systems, using DMP2's EDAC Mode. This allows OSROs to evaluate compliance with the dispersant application requirements in 2009 U.S. Coast Guard rules.

Learn more about Dispersant Mission Planner 2 (DMP2) and download the software.

Spill Tools was developed by the Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R), National Ocean Service, NOAA. OR&R cannot provide any support for Spill Tools, and NOAA cannot warrant accuracy or completeness.


Questions: Contact us with your questions, comments, or bug reports for Spill Tools.