More Army War College News, Features

By Tom Conning

New guidance for women and children regarding fitness campus

Indian Field Fitness Center’s women’s only section:

Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m.-11 a.m.

*The women’s only section of Indian Field Fitness Center is located to the right of the sign-in desk in the final two sections of the fitness center. Men are not allowed behind the curtain during these hours, but are allowed in the other portions of the fitness center. 

According to Army Regulation 215-1, paragraph 8, section 20, all children 17-years-old and younger can ONLY use Army fitness facilities if they are a participant in a “special program that is organized and conducted by CYSS, a school, or other authorized youth organization.”

Therefore, all Carlisle Barracks children must register for a FREE ‘Fitness’ card and attend a briefing by Child Youth Services Sports if they want to use any Carlisle Barracks fitness facilities. Users must present the ‘Fitness’ card to gym staff when entering fitness facilities.

With the ‘Fitness’ card:

  • 16-17-year-olds can use fitness facilities without being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • 13-15-year-olds may use gym equipment as long as they are actively participating in the same activity as a parent or guardian and are under their direct supervision.
  • Children 12 and younger may use the indoor track at Thorpe Hall Fitness Center, the basketball court at Root Hall Gym and use the CYSS fitness center that has youth-sized exercise equipment and CYSS supervision. They may not use cardiovascular or strength equipment, the sauna, steam rooms, or the Jacuzzi at any time in Indian Field Fitness Center and Thorpe Hall Fitness Center. 

Garrison Command implemented this new policy to fulfill AR 215-1 AND allow Carlisle Barracks children to continue using the fitness facilities on post.


A pebble in your shoe would slow you down, but high-tech pebbles will spur senior leaders to move from good to great. The FitLinxx Pebble available through The Army War College Senior Leader Development and Resiliency Program can guide fitness to optimum levels.

The Pebble is an activity tracker the size of a quarter that clips to a shoe, pocket or waistband and records steps taken, calories burned, distance traveled and total active time. This is merely part of Carlisle Barracks' new Comprehensive Fitness Campus that became available January 14.

A FitLinxx "Pebble" allows users to track steps, calories, distance and amount of activity time. The Senior Leadership Development and Resiliency office will sign out the "Pebble to eligible participants.

The comprehensive fitness campus at Carlisle Barracks integrates new educational classes, agility lanes, workout stations and a performance movement analysis integration center. The campus can be a model for senior leaders for managing their fitness, according to Dr. Thomas Williams, SLDR Director.

Fitness fits into bigger picture of senior leader development.

The fitness campus is designed to complement the academic part of senior leader education, said Williams. "Just like with the educational curriculum they get at the War College, this is intended to help senior leaders understand how their level of fitness is critical to their development and can be improved during their academic year.

"In a profession of arms, it is about maintaining a level of readiness and fitness, the physiological resiliency that incorporates both their physical and mental readiness," said Williams. "What the comprehensive fitness program does is gives us the tools that we can leverage to help leaders, military and civilian, understand how to make all of those work at a higher level."

SLDR spearheaded the project and worked with Sports Director Don Watkins and his staff to transform the three facilities into fitness centers designed for the unique senior leader population of Carlisle Barracks. The fitness campus is going to be outstanding, said Watkins.

January introduced FitLinxx to the Indian Field Fitness Center and major transitions to Thorpe Hall.

The FitLinxx system went online with training completed in January at the Indian Field Fitness Center, which was newly opened in November.

The various components of the Fitlinxx system will track a user's exercise. It became available Jan. 14. All of the equipment communicates wirelessly and will automatically upload exercise data to a user's online FitLinxx account. Photos by Tom Conning.

The online FitLinxx system will track a user's exercise, including repetitions, amount of weight used, and rate of exercise. Monitoring equipment on the machines wirelessly communicates with a user’s FitLinxx account. The "Pebble" activity tracker uploads information to a user's account as well.

The new technology will give people more feedback and awareness, said Chris Kusmiesz, SLDR exercise physiologist. "They'll be able to track their progress and work towards those goals and it's all going to be captured now, so that they'll actually know where they are, where their goal is and how much more work they would need to do to reach that goal," said Kusmiesz.

Army War College students, staff and faculty can develop fitness plans to reach those goals with help from SLDR exercise physiologists. MWR fitness center staff will refer users to Chris Kusmiesz and Rob Stanley for consultations. The Army Wellness Center can be another resource for fitness tips, planning and information.

Thorpe Hall Fitness Center's transformation is reflected in new agility lanes and workout stations, expected to be ready for users in February. 

The rearrangement of the exercise facilities, addition of agility lanes and workout stations at Thorpe Center has given users more room and equipment, said Rob Stanley, SLDR exercise physiologist. "They're going to have a lot more depth and variety that they can do," said Stanley. "They'll be able to do any exercise here that they could possibly want."

New looks match new purposes for the Fitness Campus centers

Indian Field Fitness Center will maintain a "hard-core" edge, with weight lifting equipment and cardio machines. Soon, the center will offer the motivational inspiration of Medal of Honor recipients whose stories will be featured on wall posters.

The Indian Field Center will offer FitLinxx registration and orientation, educational handouts and classes about comprehensive fitness, offered individually or to groups.

Thorpe Hall Fitness Center will be for strength and conditioning. The Center’s features include expert exercise instruction, feedback on training and group exercise classes like combatives, TRX, Boot Camp and indoor cycle.

The transformation of Thorpe Hall Fitness Center's first floor into the strength and conditioning area of the comprehensive fitness campus is complete. New weight sleds, rowing machines, squat racks and more will allow users to have a comprehensive workout. Photo by Tom Conning.

SLDR exercise physiologist experts will be available at the Senior Leader Development and Resiliency offices for consultation to maximize physical training effectiveness by analyzing a runner's gait, running motion and running shoes. Call 245-4511 to schedule formal consultations and group sessions. Thorpe Hall users can find inspiration from the new wall art showcasing the discipline and physical fitness of Army athletes and Carlisle Indian Industrial School athletes.

Root Hall Gym will retain its look and its focus on the team sports and teambuilding activities that complement the Comprehensive Fitness Campus here.

The SLDR program is an Army War College program focused on senior leader development and education.  In contrast, the Carlisle Barracks Army Wellness Center is an extension of Dunham Army Health Clinic's Patient Centered Medical Home, offering primary prevention programs as part of a comprehensive medical care plan.

ALL Carlisle Barracks Fitness Centers are open --

Mon. - Fri. 5 a.m.-8:30 p.m.

Sat. 7 a.m.-5 p.m.

Sun. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Holidays: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.