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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures
for Alaska Groundfish Fisheries 2003 - 2010

NOTE: The Steller sea lion protection measures were modified December 13, 2010 and effective January 1, 2011. See the current Steller sea lion protection measures page: http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/sustainablefisheries/sslpm/.


Final Rules

Charts* of Protection Measures 2003 - 2010

Historical Charts of Aleutian Islands SSL Management

* Maps/charts are only for illustrative purposes. Please refer to tables 4-6 (above), 12 and the 679 regulations (above) for actual site locations and closures.

Small Entity Compliance Guide


SSL Mitigation Committee

Restricted Research Areas

  • 75 FR 1723, January 13, 2010. NMFS rescinds the trawl closure in the Chiniak Gully Research Area. Effective August 1, 2010, through September 20, 2010.
  • 73 FR 1555, January 9, 2008. NMFS rescinds the trawl closure in the Chiniak Gully Research Area. Effective August 1, 2008, through September 20, 2008.
  • 72 FR 7751, February 20, 2007. NMFS rescinds the trawl closure in the Chiniak Gully Research Area to allow vessels using trawl gear to participate in directed fishing for groundfish in the Chiniak Gully Research Area. Effective August 1, 2007, through December 31, 2007.
  • 71 FR 31105, June 1, 2006. Final rule to close the Chiniak Gully Research Area on the east side of Kodiak Island in the GOA to all commercial trawl fishing and testing of trawl gear from August 1 to a date no later than September 20 from 2006 through 2010. Effective July 3, 2006 through December 31, 2010. (Small Entity Compliance Guide)
  • 71 FR 1698, January 11, 2006. Final rule to open the Cape Sarichef Research Restriction Area in the BSAI to directed fishing for groundfish using trawl, pot, and hook-and-line gear from March 15 through March 31, 2006. Effective February 10, 2006.
  • 68 FR 24468, May 9 ,2003. Chiniak Gully Research Area opening for the groundfish trawl fisheries of the Gulf of Alaska. Comment period through June 6, 2003.
  • 68 FR 11004, March 7, 2003. Seasonal closure of a portion of the waters located near Cape Sarichef in the Bering Sea subarea to directed fishing for groundfish by vessels using trawl, pot, or hook-and-line gear to support NMFS research on the effect of fishing on the localized abundance of Pacific cod.