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Programs and Events 2008

APAO Hargan Opens Cartes Flux3 Festival at WeeGee

May 6, 2008
APAO Hargan talks to the audience about the interaction between art and science

APAO Hargan talks to the audience about the interaction between art and science

APAO Kim Hargan opened the Cartes Flux3 festival of new media art at WeeGee in Espoo. The festival (May 6-18) features artworks that are either fully digitally modeled or the audiovisual material has been treated in a mean that would not have been possible without digital means. Cartes Flux3 includes also traditional film and video works. The American artists at the festival are Ligorand/Reese with a video “If you lived here, you’d be home by now”, Ken Goldberg and Karl Böhringer with an installation “FLW” and Gareth Spor with an installation “Tree”.