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Education and Development
Education and Development

The first U.S. Education Mission to India, led by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visits New Delhi, October 10, 2011.

At the close of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's meetings with the Government of India July 20, 2009, the two governments issued a joint statement regarding their intentions to accelerate the growth of their bilateral relationship to enhance global prosperity and stability in the 21st century. The two governments outlined a Strategic Dialogue that will focus on five principal pillars:  strategic cooperation; energy and climate change; education and development; economics, trade and agriculture; science and technology, health and innovation. Through a coherent structure of bilateral working groups, the two governments will address a wide range of issues with the goal of producing concrete results.

Education and Development working groups will enhance our partnership in education and initiate discussions about women's' empowerment. Here are some of the activities between the two governments that are advancing education and development cooperation.

Secretary Clinton's Remarks at U.S.-India Higher Education Summit, October 13, 2011
"We don’t want to just stand by and let it happen on its own because we believe strongly that investing in learning between us is in very much both of our interests."  (Transcript and Video)

First U.S. Education Mission to India, led by Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar visits New Delhi, October 10, 2011
The initiative promotes public-private partnerships between institutions of higher learning in both countries, helping foster economic growth and opportunity.

U.S. supported Minority Youth Education Program concludes successfully, September 15, 2011
U.S. Chargé d'Affaires to India Ambassador Peter Burleigh and Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit at the India Islamic Cultural Center today lauded the success of the U.S. government-supported Minority Education for Growth and Advancement - Skills for Youth (MEGA-SkY) program.

United States welcomes prospective Indian students, July 28, 2011
The United States is proud of its record of welcoming foreign students, and in particular the numerous Indian students who enrich America’s academic communities. The number of Indian students who have applied for visas to study in the United States increased by 20% over the same period last year.

Fact Sheet: Education and People-to-People Ties, July 19, 2011
The United States and India will convene a summit on higher education in Washington, DC on October 13, 2011, chaired by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Minister of Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal.

The Current State of U.S.-India Cooperation and Prospects for the Future, Assistant Secretary Robert O. Blake, Jr., May 13, 2011
The U.S.-India Higher Education Summit this fall in Washington, DC will bring hundreds of educational institutes together from both our countries, and could foster linkages that ease the ability of American students to participate in India’s venerable educational system, while further extending the number of Indians studying in the United States and bringing higher education institutional ties between our two countries to a new level.

Local students receive books from First Ladies
Mrs. Sally Roemer, wife of U.S. Ambassador Timothy Roemer, accompanied by Secretary of Culture Jawhar Sircar, presented 1,000 books to ten area schools April 11, 2011 in a ceremony at the American Center. The books are a symbol of the friendship between U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and Mrs. Gursharan Kaur.

Ambassador Roemer Remarks at JNU International Conference  "America & Asia: Perspectives on Peace, Security & Development"
I also want to thank the JNU Center for United States Studies for the support they have given to the development of American Studies in India.

The inaugural U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue, Washington, D.C. June 1-4, 2010

State announces upcoming U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue in June, May 21, 2010
India and the United States share defining interests and common values. The U.S.-India relationship has never been more promising. Secretary Clinton looks forward to welcoming Minister Krishna to Washington.

Ambassador Roemer awards more English microscholarships at a program in the MCD Primary School, April 14, 2010
Ambassador Roemer awarded scholarships to 100 students for a two-year English language course. The Ambassador has awarded certificates to students in New Delhi, Bhubaneswar and Kolkata to promote English language skills as a way to open up educational and career opportunities.

"Educating the Future Workforce: Asia’s Next Generation," Ambassador Roemer's remarks at the 20th Asian Corporate Conference, March 19, 2010
"I want to underscore and emphasize the Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative.  This program will focus support on the formation of higher education partnerships between institutions of higher learning in both countries, and develop and enrich junior faculty at Indian institutions."

Assistant Secretary Blake on Education New opportunities for U.S. universities in India
In a speech at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs February 18, 2010, U.S. Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake said, "Minister Sibal has talked about how there are 220 million Indians who are now in secondary schools, but only 10 million of them have the opportunity to go to college. Many of those, more than 100,000 in fact, more than any other country, attend college here in the United States. I think this new law should open up tremendous possibilities for American universities of all kinds. Not just traditional research and liberal arts universities, but community colleges, vocational training and distance learning programs, and many other educational opportunities."

Top U.S. official in India to celebrate 60th anniversary of USIEF
"Expanding educational cooperation through exchanges and academic collaboration, and enhancing the role of the private sector, are important elements to this strategic approach.  The individuals who participate in such exchanges share their experiences with their fellow citizens upon returning home, strengthening the friendship between our two nations."

Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Development in the 21st Century, January 6, 2010
"Now, of course, innovation is only the invention of new technologies. It's not just that. It is also any breakthrough idea that transforms lives and reshapes our thinking. Like Muhammad Yunus' belief that poor women armed with credit could become drivers of economic and social progress. Or Ela Bhatt's vision of rural destitute women in India pooling together as the Self-Employed Women's Association to generate incomes and build grassroots democracy."

U.S.-India Educational Foundation offers Fulbright-Nehru-CII Grants for Business Managers in India, December 2, 2009

The U.S.-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) is seeking applications from Indian business managers to attend a specially designed 10-week management program at the Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business (TSB), Pittsburgh, USA, from June 1 to August 9, 2010. The fellowships include tuition and fees, roundtrip ticket, monthly stipend, accident and sickness coverage, J-1 visa support and other applicable allowances.

President Obama and Prime Minister Singh announce expansion of Fulbright-Nehru Scholarship, November 24, 2009 (pdf 77kb)
The two leaders announced a 45% increase in funding by each government to support increased exchanges of students and scholars in priority fields, bringing total support for these scholarships to $6.7 million this year.

Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative, November 24, 2009 (pdf 77KB)
The Initiative will provide $10 million in combined funding to increase university linkages and support junior faculty development between U.S. and Indian universities.

Formation of the Women's Empowerment Dialogue (WED), November 24, 2009 (pdf 77KB)
The Dialogue will further the full participation of women in all aspects of society in order for the global community to address the complex challenges we face in this new century.  During the initial meeting of the Women's Empowerment Dialogue in New Delhi, both sides agreed to explore the creation of a "Women's Empowerment Fund," that would be able to support WED initiatives such as women's social and economic empowerment, female literacy, political participation of women, and healthcare.


  • International Education Week 2011

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