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Questions > FAQ Topic

Are there any enlistment bonuses available and if so how much?

There is a $15,000 enlistment bonus depending upon the job.

Can I get money for college/tuition?

Yes. The Air National Guard offers the Montgomery G.I. Bill, which you may be eligible to receive. This will provide you with up to $297 per month depending on your course load. We also have the Montgomery G.I. Bill Kicker, which means that selected career fields offer an incentive, which could provide you with an additional $350 per month.

How much money will I get paid?

Your pay will depend on your rank. The average new enlistee makes about $175 for 2 days.

What are my benefits as a Reservist/National Guardsman?

For information on Reservist benefits, contact the Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center at 1-800-525-0102, visit their Web site at: http://arpc.afrc.af.mil/.

Will my student loans be repaid?

We offer up to a $20,000 student loan repayment payment program in certain career fields. You must enlist for 6 years to be eligible for this program.

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