United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Health Care Upstate New York - VISN 2

Veterans Service Contact Center


Hours of Operation – Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.1-888-823-9656
What is the Veterans Service Contact Center?

VA Health Care Upstate New York recognized the need to provide veterans with easy access to health benefits information. The Veterans Service Contact Center was created to meet this need.

We provide veterans with a toll-free number to inquire about VA health benefits and eligibility. Our Contact Center Staff are located at the Batavia facility and are ready to respond to your questions.

To ensure someone is available to assist you, please remember that if you have an appointment conflict or a specific medical or prescription problem you should contact your primary care team or specialty provider.

The Veterans Service Contact Center is not staffed to answer your medical questions. If you have a medical question, please call your primary care team or the VA TelCare number at 1-888-838-7890.
What kind of questions can be answered at the Veterans Service Contact Center?
  • Your VA health benefits package
  • Coverage of special benefits including:
    • Agent Orange
    • POW
    • Purple Heart
    • Persian Gulf
    • Recent Combat Veteran
    • Women Veterans
  • Co-payment responsibilities
  • General eligibility questions
  • Available services
What kind of questions are better handled somewhere else?
  • For billing and co-payment questions call the Health Resource Center at 1-866-505-7263
  • To be transferred to other departments ask the telephone-operator for assistance. Please do not call the Contact Center
  • To speak with a specific individual call them directly or ask the medical center for operator for assistance
  • For questions of a medical nature call TelCare at 1-888-838-7890