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Characteristics and Production Costs

by William McBride

Statistical Bulletin No. (SB-974) January 2008

These reports examine how production costs vary among producers of different commodities. These reports include details on production practices and input use levels (i.e., the 'technology set'), as well as farm operator and structural characteristics that underlie the cost and return estimates. The reports also illustrate the degree to which costs vary for producers of different commodities and indicate possible reasons for the variation. Characteristics and production costs are examined for low- and high-cost producers of each commodity, and producers of varying size, region, and typology classification. The data in these reports were collected in commodity-specific versions of USDA's annual Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). USDA conducts commodity-specific surveys as part of the ARMS process every 4-8 years on a rotating basis for each commodity, and uses these data to support annual commodity costs and returns estimates. Commodity costs and returns are estimated using the data from each survey and then updated between surveys to reflect changes in input costs and commodity prices and production. Electronic Statistical Bulletins release the findings of the latest indepth survey for individual commodities.

Keywords: commodity, costs and returns, cost of production, Agricultural Resource Management Survey, cost variation

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Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Hog Farms, 2004

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Corn Farms, 2001

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Rice Farms

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Dairy Operations

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Wheat Farms

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Soybean Farms

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Cow-Calf Operations

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Cotton Farms

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Corn Farms

Last updated: Wednesday, February 13, 2013

For more information contact: William McBride