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Overseas Voting

Overseas Voting

Absentee Voting Information for U.S. Citizens Abroad

New regulations for overseas voting went into effect in 2010. If you want to be able to vote while you are outside the United States, you should send a completed Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to your local election officials every year. It's easy to do - just go to, the official U.S. Government website for overseas absentee voting information, to start the process.

We strongly recommend you get in the habit of submitting a new FPCA every January to ensure you receive ballots for all the elections in which you are eligible to vote during the calendar year. In addition to the November general elections held every other year, you may be eligible to vote in federal or state primary elections, special elections, emergency elections, and runoff elections.

LOOKING FORWARD TO THE 2012 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTIONS: The first presidential primary elections take place in January 2012. Plan to submit a new Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) as early as possible in 2012 so your local election officials have time to send you an absentee ballot, and you have time to vote and return it.

Please visit our State Department website for additional information about voting overseas. 

Voting Messages for Americans

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Important Information

  • Basic Steps to Vote Overseas:

    1.  You send in a completed Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to your local election officials.

    2.  They confirm your eligibility to vote, and put your name on a list to receive an absentee ballot.

    3.  They send you a blank absentee ballot by mail and make it available electronically.

    4.  You complete the ballot and send it back before the ballot receipt deadline.

    5.  If your ballot fails to arrive, use the emergency Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot to vote.

    NOTE:  Apply in good time -  at least 45 days before the election.  There are no facilities to vote at the Embassy; however, voted ballots may be mailed back to the U.S. throught the Embassy mail free.  Please allow 10 - 14 days for mail transit time.

    Please visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website for all electronic forms and information for each State. 


    The Voting Assistance Officer at U.S. Embassy in Banjul, The Gambia is available to answer questions about absentee voting.

    Contact our Voting Assistance Officer by either calling +220-439-2856 ext. 2130 or send an email to: