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Export Credit Guarantee Programs

GSM-102 Guarantee Fee Rate Schedule

Until further notice and in accordance with 7 C.F.R. Section 1493.70(a), the following tables show the guarantee fee rates, in cents per $100 dollars of coverage (based on guaranteed value), for the GSM-102 program.

USDA intends to update this Web page on a continuous basis.  Changes to the information will be reflected on the Web page and will not be announced by an official USDA program announcement unless such information warrants an official announcement.


GSM-102 (Premium per US $100 of coverage)
Annual Payment of Principal


Risk Category









9 Months1

$0.369 $0.377 $0.397 $0.518 $0.696 $0.936 $1.244

12 Months2

$0.464 $0.474 $0.499 $0.652 $0.875 $1.177 $1.564

15 Months3

$0.502 $0.513 $0.540 $0.705 $0.947 $1.273 $1.692

18 Months4

$0.565 $0.578 $0.608 $0.794 $1.066 $1.434 $1.905

24 Months5

$0.803 $0.820 $0.863 $1.127 $1.513 $2.035 $2.704

30 Months6

$0.998 $1.019 $1.073 $1.401 $1.881 $2.530 $3.362

36 Months7

$1.364 $1.394 $1.467 $1.916 $2.571 $3.459 $4.597


      *$1.900 **$1.982    

* Fee rate for transactions with Peruvian banks with repayment terms of 15% at 12 months, 40% at 24 months and 45% at 30 months.
** Fee rate for transactions with Indonesian banks with repayment at 18 months.

1/Full repayment at 9 months.  2/Full repayment at 12 months.  3/4/5 at 12 months, remaining 1/5 at 15 months. 4/2/3 at 12 months, remaining 1/3 at 18 months.  5/1/2 at 12 months, remaining 1/2 at 24 months.  24-month fee rates also apply in case of the 720-day credit terms.  6/2/5 at 12 months, 2/5 at 24 months, remaining 1/5 at 30 months.  71/3 at 12 months, 1/3 at 24 months, remaining 1/3 at 36 months.


GSM-102  (Premium per US $100 of coverage)
Semi-Annual Payment of Principal


Risk Category









90 Days8








4 Months8

$0.185 $0.189 $0.199 $0.260 $0.349 $0.469 $0.624

6 Months8

$0.236 $0.241 $0.254 $0.332 $0.445 $0.599 $0.796

9 Months9

$0.281 $0.287 $0.302 $0.394 $0.529 $0.712 $0.946

12 Months10

$0.350 $0.357 $0.376 $0.491 $0.659 $0.887 $1.178

15 Months11

$0.410 $0.419 $0.441 $0.576 $0.773 $1.040 $1.382

18 Months12

$0.488 $0.499 $0.525 $0.686 $0.920 $1.238 $1.645

24 Months13

$0.653 $0.667 $0.702 $0.917 $1.231 $1.655 $2.200

30 Months14

$0.877 $0.896 $0.943 $1.231 $1.653 $2.223 $2.955

36 Months15

$1.146 $1.170 $1.232 $1.609 $2.160 $2.905 $3.861

8/Full repayment at 90 days and 4, 6 months.  9/2/3 at 6 months, remaining 1/3 at 9 months.   10/1/2 at 6 months, remaining 1/2 at 12 months.  11/2/5 at 6 months, 2/5 at 12 months, remaining 1/5 at 15 months. 12/1/3 at 6 months, 1/3 at 12 months, remaining 1/3 at 18 months.  13/1/4 at 6 months, 1/4 at 12 months, 1/4 at 18 months, remaining 1/4 at 24 months.  24-month fee rates also apply in case of the 720-day credit terms.  14/1/5 at 6 months, 1/5 at 12 months, 1/5 at 18 months, 1/5 at 24 months, remaining 1/5 at 30 months.  15/1/6 at 6 months, 1/6 at 12 months, 1/6 at 18 months, 1/6 at 24 months, 1/6 at 30 months, remaining 1/6 at 36 months.

Program Contact: Director, Credit Programs Division; Office of Trade Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA; Stop 1025; 1400 Independence Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20250-1025; TEL (202) 720-3224; FAX (202) 720-2495; E-MAIL gsm.registrations@fas.usda.gov