Welcome to CDET!

The College of Distance Education and Training is the organization within the Marine Corps Training and Education Command (TECOM) with the mission to design, develop, deliver, evaluate, manage, and resource distance learning products and programs across the Marine Corps training and education continuum in order to increase operational readiness.

Through a variety of distance learning delivery systems, the Marine Corps College of Distance Education and Training (CDET) provides distance education and training opportunities for all Marines, government employees, and family members. Our programs are accessible globally, preparing our graduates to perform more effectively in service, joint, and multinational environments, in situations ranging from humanitarian assistance to combat. Our online learning management system, MarineNet, provides education to all Marines wherever they are stationed. Our worldwide seminar program supports the Professional Military Education (PME) Distance Education Programs (DEP) through a network of satellite campuses, learning resource centers (LRCs), and video teletraining (VTT) centers.

Our programs and courses concentrate on the leadership, warfighting, and staff development skills of the nation's military, and feature the educational standards, learning areas and learning objectives of the joint professional military education (JPME) program required by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.