United States Senator Mike Lee
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United States Senator Mike Lee - Washington, DC

United States Senator Mike Lee
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  • Public Figure
    I am the United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Be sure to invite your friends to Join! Here's how you can help: 1) Click the "Suggest to Friends" link above. 2) Then select your friends and click "Send Invitations"
  1. I delivered this floor speech today to encourage my colleagues to support the bipartisan effort I have been a part of to protect our Fourth Amendment rights in the FISA reauthorization bill.
  2. My family and I would like to extend my best wishes to all who are celebrating the holiday season. May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Photo: My family and I would like to extend my best wishes to all who are celebrating the holiday season.  May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  3. The Feinstein-Lee Amendment to protect Americans from indefinite detention received overwhelmingly bipartisan support from 69 Senators. During the Conference Committee on the 2013 NDAA, this important provision was removed by opponents and is not part of the final law. For this reason, I could not support the most current version of this year's NDAA.
  4. Robert Bork was one of America’s greatest jurists and a brilliant legal mind. He was an expert on issues ranging from antitrust to privacy laws and was deeply influential in promoting constitutional originalism. Despite the unfortunate an...d unnecessary controversy surrounding his Supreme Court nomination, Judge Bork remained an inspirational figure for those seeking to enforce constitutional limits on the federal government. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bork family.See More
  5. The news coming out of Connecticut is heartbreaking. The victims of this horrible crime are in my prayers.
  6. Most Americans want a simpler tax code. Unfortunately, the complex code that we have is the source of a lot of power for members of Congress who use it to benefit special interests and hurt their political opponents. Big government and big tax code go hand in hand.
  7. Our tax code should accomplish two goals:
    1. It should fund the government.
    2. It should accurately communicate the cost of government to voters.

    Our current tax code fails to accomplish either of these goals. A flat tax would generate... a more predictable and stable tax revenue stream. It also allows everyone to pay a fair share of the cost of government. Instead of arguing to raise tax rates on a small group of Americans, we should be having a discussion on what kind of tax code will work better for all Americans. Everyone agrees that our current tax code is a disaster, and raising rates on a small group of Americans will only further complicate an already complicated tax code.See More
  8. In a Joint Economic Committee hearing today, Dr. Mark Zandi and I discussed the importance of improving our fiscal situation right now. Otherwise, we could be stuck in a "netherworld of low growth," and we will be struck by some negative external factor that will trigger a fiscal avalanche.
  9. Jim DeMint has been a source of inspiration for many of us who came to Washington to fight for our core conservative beliefs. He has shown that getting things done doesn’t have to mean abandoning your principles. For too long, he was a mo...vement unto himself in the Senate, keeping the torch lit for free-market principles and limited government. We are a better country for his service. Jim is a friend and mentor, and I plan to honor his time in the Senate by continuing the push for individual liberty and restoring constitutional government.See More

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