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EM is dedicated to safely disposing of waste and seeks cost effective and environmentally responsible project execution methods.

EM provides integration, planning and analysis for all soil and groundwater remediation, deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) and facility engineering. This work includes sustainability projects to ensure that these activities are completed efficiently and effectively, reducing significant risks and life-cycle schedules and costs in the D&D program.

EM provides program management support with the goal of continuously improving performance.

EM provides clear, timely, and consistent communication on the mission and activities within the EM Program, including overall goals and progress toward meeting these goals.

The Office of Environmental Management (EM) manages a diverse portfolio of cleanup projects.  With significant missions from construction to environmental cleanup, maintaining a commitment to delivering project success on time and on budget is a key objective.

EM's services include: 

  • Waste Management - EM’s waste management mission involves planning and optimizing tank waste processing and nuclear materials, including spent nuclear fuel.  EM offices that focus on waste management develop policy and guidance and provide technical advice on the tank waste system and nuclear materials.
  • Site and Facility Restoration - EM’s Site & Facility  mission is to perform program management functions to identify and advance strategies to plan and optimize EM soil and groundwater remediation, deactivation and decommissioning (D&D), and facility engineering projects and processes; to ensure optimized management of these projects and technical practices.
  • Program Management - EM provides program management support across the EM complex that support a varied array of EM services, all with the goal of continuously improving performance.  Their missions are to assure effective project, acquisition, and contract management, manage the safeguards, security and emergency preparedness activities and to manage, integrate and coordinate planning and budget support for the Office of Environmental Management.
  • Communications and Engagement - The goal of Environment Management’s various communications and engagement programs are to develop guidance, monitor, and oversee EM’s interactions with intergovernmental groups, advisory boards, tribal nations, and other affected entities, communities, and stakeholders.