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The sponsorship of conferences is one of the major institutional activities of the Center for Nonlinear Studies. Since the CNLS serves as an interface between mission critical research at LANL and the outside research community, conference sponsorship is an activity of vital importance for the Center and the Laboratory.

In particular, sponsorship of conferences accomplishes the following:

  • It enables the CNLS to identify and explore the widest possible range of nonlinear and complex systems problems.
  • It helps disseminate the latest developments in nonlinear and complex systems science.
  • It helps form and fosters research collaborations between LANL researchers and outside researchers and academia.
  • It helps build new areas of research and refine the direction of existing areas of research.

To learn more about obtaining conference sponsorship through CNLS, please visit our Conference Sponsorship page.


Submission Deadline: October 30, 2009

The Center for Nonlinear Studies invites LANL scientists to submit proposals for CNLS sponsorship of research conferences to take place in 2010. We encourage applications that explore a wide range of nonlinear and complex systems problems. Preference will be given to applications that align with the following research goals of the Center for Nonlinear Studies. For more information please see our Conference Call. To submit a proposal, please use our web form.


CNLS Workshops 2009

12th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing
January 12-16, 2009
Santa Fe Convention Center, Santa Fe, NM


  • Howard Barnum (LANL)
  • Jim Harrington (LANL)
  • Andrew Landahl (UNM, Chair)
  • Cris Moore (UNM/SFI)
  • Jon Yard (LANL)


Wave Function Engineering and Coherent Control in Nanostructured Materials
February 25-27, 2009
Los Alamos, NM


  • Ilya Grigorenko (LANL)
  • Anthony J. Levi (USC)
  • Andrei Piryatinski (LANL)
  • Anatoly Efimov (LANL)


Risk Analysis of Complex Networks Systems for National Security Applications
April 7-9, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • David Israelevitz (LANL)
  • Feng Pan (LANL)


Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere
April 27 - May 1, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • Beth Wingate (LANL)
  • William Spotz (SNL)
  • Natasha Flyer (NCAR)


Turbulence and Nonlinear Physics in the 21st Century: The Pioneering Science of Robert H. Kraichnan
May 11-12, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • Bob Ecke (LANL)
  • Greg Eyink (Johns Hopkins)


CNLS 29th Annual Conference: Energy for the 21st Century
May 18-22, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • "Gnana" S. Gnanakaran (LANL)
  • Rajan Gupta (LANL)
  • Andrew Shreve (LANL)
  • Sergei Tretiak (LANL)


Excited State Processes in Electronic and Bio Nanomaterials
June 29 - July 2, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • Sergei Tretiak (LANL)


Simulating the Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Anthropogenic Climate Change
July 20 - 22, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • Todd Ringler (LANL)
  • Sara Rauscher (LANL)


3rd Annual q-Bio Conference on Cellular and Information Processing
August 5-9, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • William Hlavacek (LANL)
  • Ilya Nemenman (LANL)


Physics of Algorithms
August 31 - September 4, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • Michael Chertkov (LANL)
  • Jason Johnson (LANL)
  • Allon Percus (Claremont)
  • Lenka Zdeborova (LANL)


Workshop on New Frontiers of Casimir Force Control
September 28-30, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • Diego Dalvit (LANL)


Monge-Kantorovich Optimal Transport: Theory and Application
October, 2009
Santa Fe, NM


  • John M. Finn (LANL)
  • Gian Luca Delzanno (LANL)