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CNLS Workshops 2007

Excited States in Electronic & Bio Nanomaterials
October 1-5, 2007


  • Sergei Tretiak (LANL)
  • Avadh Saxena (LANL)
  • Richard L. Martin (LANL)

First q-bio Conference on Cellular Information Processing
August 8-11, 2007


  • Jeremy S. Edwards (UNM)
  • James R. Faeder (LANL)
  • William S. Hlavacek (LANL)
  • Yi Jiang (LANL)
  • Ilya Nemenman (LANL)
  • Michael E. Wall (LANL)


Workshop on Rule-based Modeling of Biochemical Systems
June 14 and 15, 2007


  • James R. Faeder (LANL)
  • Walter Fontana (Harvard Medical School)
  • William S. Hlavacek (LANL)
  • Michael Hucka (Caltech)


CNLS Annual Conference: Complexity of Biological and Soft Materials
May 21-25, 2007


  • Eli Ben-Naim (LANL)
  • Robert Ecke (LANL)
  • Allon Percus (LANL)
  • Cynthia Reichhardt (LANL)
  • Avadh Saxena (LANL)
  • Andrew Shreve (LANL)
  • Sergei Tretiak (LANL)


Algorithms, Inference and Statistical Physics
May 1-4, 2007


  • Michael Chertkov (LANL)
  • Anders Hansson (LANL)
  • Allon Percus (LANL)


Unconventional Computation
March 21-23, 2007


  • Christof Teuscher (LANL)
  • Francis J. Alexander (LANL)
  • Ilya Nemenman (LANL)
  • Gregory Johnson (LANL)


Grand Challenges in Neural Computation: Measurement, Analysis, and Modeling of Cellular and Network Dynamics
February 19-21, 2007


  • Luis Bettencourt
  • John George
  • Garrett Kenyon
  • Ilya Nemenman

LANL Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
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