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CNLS Workshops 2003

Advances in Raman-Based, High-Speed Photonics: Raman Amplifiers, Data Transmission, and Signal Processing
February 3-5 2004, Center for Nonlinear Studies


  • Molly Cernicek (FROLA Corporation)
  • Ildar Gabitov (LANL, T-7)
  • Anatoly Efimov (LANL, MST-10)
  • Steffan Lewis (IPF Technology Ltd.)
  • Avner Peleg (LANL, CNLS)
  • Karsten Rottwitt (Technical University of Denmark)

Los Alamos Days 2003: Program in Applied Mathematics
February 14-15, 2003, Center for Nonlinear Studies


  • Yeo-Jin Chung (LANL)
  • Sarah Frey (U. Arizona)
  • Maurice Hasson(U. Arizona)
  • Andrei Piryatinski (LANL)

The Monte Carlo Method in the Physical Sciences: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Metropolis Algorithm
February 14-15, 2003, Center for Nonlinear Studies


  • B. Berne (Columbia)
  • K. Binder (Mainz)
  • J. Carlson (LANL)
  • J. Doll (Brown)
  • D. Frenkel (FOM Amolf)
  • J. Gubernatis (LANL)
  • R. Gupta (LANL)
  • D. Landau (Georgia)

CNLS Annual Conference - Networks: Structure, Dynamics and Function
May 12-26 2003, Hotel La Fonda, Santa Fe


  • Zoltán Toroczkai (LANL)
  • Eli Ben-Naim (LANL)
  • Hans Frauenfelder(LANL)
  • Pieter Swart (LANL)
LANL Operated by the Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
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