Dealer Reporting Requirements for Seafood Dealers

Need a dealer permit? Dealer permit form and instructions are available from our Southeast Regional Office.

Highly Migratory Species (HMS): Atlantic Tunas, Sharks, Swordfish
Contact: Heather Balchowsky

Report for Atlantic BAYS tunas (Bigeye, Albacore, Yellowfin and Skipjack), Atlantic sharks, and Atlantic swordfish purchased directly from vessels:

HMS Electronic Dealer Reporting System

Information for Dealers Importing/Exporting HMS

Coastal Fisheries Quota Monitoring (QMS): Gulf of Mexico reef fish, South Atlantic snapper/grouper (excluding wreckfish), Atlantic dolphin/wahoo, and Atlantic mackerels
Contacts:  Michael Judge or  Heather Balchowsky

South Atlantic Wreckfish - Any questions for Dealers and Vessels Reporting forms avaliable below contact: Dr. David Gloeckner

South Atlantic Golden Crab - Contact: Michael Judge

More Information

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