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Sheepshead fish
Photo Credit: SEFSC Galveston Lab

Turtle escaping from a TED-equipped net
Turtle escaping from a TED
Photo Credit: SEFSC Pascagoula Lab

Coryphaenidae Family- dolphinfishes
Photo Credit: SEFSC Early Life History lab

The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) conducts multi-disciplinary research programs to provide management information to support national and regional programs of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and to respond to the needs of Regional Fishery Management Councils, Interstate and International Fishery Commission, Fishery Development Foundations, government agencies, and the general public.

The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) is headquartered in Miami, FL. The SEFSC is responsible for scientific research on living marine resources that occupy marine and estuarine habits of the continental southeastern United States, as well as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The SEFSC is one of the six national marine fishery science centers responsible for federal marine fishery research programs.

The Science

In general, SEFSC develops the scientific information required for:

The Research

Impact analyses and environmental assessments for management plans and international negotiations are also prepared, and research is pursued to address specific needs in

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