Forecast of Main Hawaiian Islands Deep-7 Bottomfish Catch

In the main Hawaiian Islands, bottomfish are harvested by commercial and non-commercial bottomfish vessels. To conserve the bottomfish stock, the NOAA Fisheries Service, on recommendations from the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, has established annual Total Allowable Catch (TAC) limits for "Deep-7" bottomfish species; these are the 7 primary species targeted by the commercial fleet. The TAC applies to both commercial and non-commercial sectors of the fishery.

To ensure the TAC is not exceeded, the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), in cooperation with the State of Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources (HDAR), monitors the catch of Deep-7 bottomfish during the annual fishing season. PIFSC analyzes catch records submitted by fishermen to HDAR and NOAA Fisheries and uses them, along with other information, to forecast the cumulative catch of Deep-7 bottomfish and the date when the catch will reach the TAC limit. As the season unfolds, forecasting activity intensifies, the forecasts are updated frequently and the most current forecast is posted on this web page.

The forecasts of cumulative catch and date when the TAC will be reached are used by the NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Regional Office to establish regulations ending the fishing season, if necessary.


The Deep-7 bottomfish fishery in the main Hawaiian Islands reopened on 1 September 2011. The fishery is being monitored by the State of Hawaii and PIFSC using reports of commercial and non-commercial catch and landings.

Check back later in the year for an up-to-date forecast of the catch in the current fishing year and the projected date when the fishery might reach the TAC and have to be closed.