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Are there other ways to obtain information?

Other channels for requesting information, other than FOIA, include:

Public Affairs: accepts requests from news media organizations. Contact that office with questions or requests for records. Their address is: Secretary of the Air Force, Office of Public Affairs, 1690 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1690, telephone: (703) 695-0640.

Mandatory Declassification Review: Executive Order 12958 allows you to request declassification of classified records. Contact: HAF/IMII, 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1000, telephone: (703) 696-7265.

Many offices create records with no release restrictions and will provide them, on request, without citing FOIA. Many are electronically available via the World Wide Web. Examples are biographies, fact sheets, Air Force publications, and historical records. You may locate many of the records you want by using the search tool at Air Force Link. Other search tools include the DoD Resource Locator/Government Information Locator Service (GILS) and Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices. The National Personnel Records Center keeps copies of personnel records on former military and civilian personnel.

tab Topics 
01) What is the Freedom of Information Act?
02) Where is the Air Force FOIA policy?
03) Where is the Air Force FOIA handbook?
04) What records are available through FOIA?
05) How / where do I send a FOIA request?
06) When can I expect a reply to my request?
07) Will I be charged any fees for my request?
08) What information is exempt under FOIA?
09) Are there other ways to obtain information?
10) What records are available electronically?

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If Dissatified with the response received from the Requester Service Center, you may contact the  Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Office at (703) 614-8500.   
(Please do not send FOIA request to this office)


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