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NPR 3792.1B
Effective Date: July 29, 2006
Expiration Date: May 29, 2013

(NASA Only)

Subject: Plan for a Drug-Free Workplace (REVALIDATED w/Change 1 12/06/06)

Responsible Office: Office of Human Capital Management

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Table of Contents

Change History


P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 References
P.5 Cancellation

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background
1.2 Policy
1.3 Coverage
1.4 Nature, Frequency, and Type of Drug Testing to be Instituted
1.5 Drugs for which Individuals will be Tested
1.6 Definitions
1.7 Effective Date
1.8 Revision of NASA Plan for a Drug-Free Workplace

Chapter 2. Program Management Responsibilities

2.1 Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management (HCM)
2.2 Drug Program Manager (DPM)
2.3 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Administrator
2.4 Medical Review Officer (MRO)
2.5 Drug Program Coordinator (DPC)
2.6 EAP Coordinator
2.7 EAP Counselors
2.8 Supervisors
2.9 Centers' Human Resources Offices

Chapter 3. Training and Education

3.1 Implementation
3.2 Supervisory Training
3.3 Employee Education
3.4 Union Officials

Chapter 4. Testing for Illegal Drugs

4.1 Technical Guidelines for Drug Testing
4.2 Privacy Provision
4.3 General Notice to Employees
4.4 Types of Testing

Chapter 5. Finding of Illegal Drug Use and Disciplinary Consequences

5.1 Determination
5.2 Mandatory Administrative Actions
5.3 Range of Consequences
5.4 Voluntary Referral (Safe Harbor)
5.5 Initiation of Mandatory Removal from Federal Service
5.6 Refusal to Take a Drug Test
5.7 Failure to Appear for Testing

Chapter 6. Rehabilitation

6.1 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
6.2 Referral and Availability
6.3 Leave Allowance

Chapter 7. Records and Reports

7.1 Confidentiality of Test Results
7.2 Employee Access to Records
7.3 Confidentiality of Records in General
7.4 Maintenance of Records
7.5 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Records
7.6 Statistical Information
7.7 Records Maintained by Government Contractors

Appendix A. NASA Guidelines for Determining Testing Designated Positions TDPs) Subject to Random Drug Testing

Appendix B. Positions Designated as Testing Designated Positions (TDPs) Subject to Random Drug Testing

Appendix C. Guidance for the Determination of Testing Designated Positions (TDPs) Subject to Random Drug Testing (to be retained with original position description)


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