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Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Command

Okinawa, Japan
Commanding General's Inspection Program

Q: How often are inspections conducted?
A: Inspections are set by Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) on a triennial basis. HQMC emphasizes that the duplication of inspections should be avoided whenever possible.

Q: If inspections are triennial, why do I inspect each year?
A: HQMC inspects functional areas using the Inspector General of the Marine Corps (IGMC) on a triennial basis. This three-year cycle does not exempt commands from performing annual inspections. Command inspections are set up as functional area inspections (FAI's) and staff assistance visits (SAV's).

Q: What is the difference between a FAI and a SAV?
A: The FAI and SAV use the same checklist to conduct their assessment. The big difference is, upon completion of the FAI, a formal report is produced by the functional area inspector and sent through the chain of command to the Commanding General, attention Base Inspector. Upon the completion of a SAV, the results are given directly to the Commanding Officer or AC/S with only a single page report coming the Inspector's office.

Q: How long are inspectors assigned?
A: Inspectors are assigned by AC/S for one year.

Q: Who pays for the trip to MCAS Iwakuni or Camp Fuji when conducting inspections?
A: The AC/S or director for each section is responsible for all orders/funding requirements.

Q: How many years of data is maintained by the Base Inspector's office.
A: HQMC requires information on inspections be maintained for one full inspection cycle. Since FAI's and SAV's alternate annually, this means the information on inspection is maintained for three years.

Q: Who maintains this data and is it available before conducting an inspection?
A: The Inspection Program Manager in the Base Inspector's office maintains all information on inspection and it is available for research prior to the commencement of any inspection.