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Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Command

Okinawa, Japan
Corrosion Management Branch

The CMB provides a comprehensive, consolidated corrosion prevention and control program to mitigate and defeat the affects of corrosion on III MEF tactical ground equipment via: (1) providing 3rd and 4th echelon corrosion repair and prevention services within the Corrosion Repair Facility (CRF), and (2) staging and preservation of principle end items via induction into dehumidified covered storage at the Combat Ready Staging Program (CRSP). The CMB is located at Camp Kinser, Okinawa, Japan and is comprised of several contractor-operated activities with U.S. GS employee oversight and administered by the AC/S G-4, Logistics Division, Marine Corps Base, Camp Butler.


The CRF’s initial corrosion rehabilitation contract was established in the early 1970’s using local vendors and was moved to U.S. Government facilities in 1981. In 1994 the main building aboard Camp Kinser, a state-of-the-art corrosion rebuild facility, was constructed. On November 4, 2005 the Corrosion Rehabilitation Facility became a branch under AC/S G-4, Marine Corps Base, Camp Smedley D. Butler and an all civilian staff took the helm. In December 2008, the CRSP became part of the CRF and in October 2009, the CRF reorganized to become the Corrosion Management Branch. Currently eight Civilian Marines staff the CMB providing management and contract oversight of approximately 50 contract employees while ensuring quality assurance of work performed.

Work Flow and Facility

Points of Contact
Supervisor  637-1524 
Quality Assurance Lead 637-2004
Quality Assurance Inspectors 637-2005
Safety Specialist 637-2329
Assistant Chief of Staff G-4 645-7356
Deputy, Asst. Chief of Staff G-4 645-7356