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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Logistics Advocacy and Education Section (LPC-3_


The Logistics Advocacy and Education Section is that group of active duty and civilian Marine logisticians who represent the Logistics Community through the coordination of Combat Service Support (CSS) Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), Logistics Senior Leaders Forum, Civilian/Military logistics Education\Training, Human Capital Strategic Planning (HCSP), Logistics Community of Interest (COI), and the Logistics Awards Dinner.


  • Human Capital Strategic Plan (HCSP)/Community of Interest (COI) Logistics:  COI Logistics will provide excellence in logistics education competencies and professional development to meet USMC readiness objectives.  This recognition and promotion of core competencies for the civilian logistics workforce is paramount to the mission of the Marine Corps. 
  • Represent the Logistics Community through the coordination of the Logistics Senior Leaders Forum, Civilian/Military logistics Education\Training, Logistics Intern Program Career Counselor and the Logistics Awards Dinner.
  • Occupational Field Sponsorship:  Exercise oversight over a grouping of Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) per MCO 5311.1C. 
- 04XX Logistics  
- 0451 Air Deliver
  • Serve as technical advisors, assisting in the classification, training, and assignment of personnel within an MOS.
  • Serve as the principal point of contact between the TFSD and the Marine Corps with regard to force structure requirements, intended structure changes, and unique operational considerations that may affect force structure and result in OccFld assignment actions.
  • Review MOS training tracks to ensure program of instruction accuracy and efficiency and, if necessary, initiate change requests. Participate in the development, review, and revision of individual training standards, course descriptive data, and programs of instruction.  Participate in the Training Input Plan (TIP) Conference regarding all primary MOS training requirements (initial and skill progression) requirements. 
  • Serve as the principal agent responsible for recommending MOS grade structure modifications during MOS enlisted and officer grade structure reviews.


  • Human Capital Strategic Planning (HCSP)
  • Three Tier Logistics Advocacy Process
- Logistics Senior Leaders Forum
- Logistics Combat Element Operational Advisory Group (LCE OAG)
- Logistics Awards for Excellence
- Ground Logistics Awards Dinner Quad MLG OAG
  • Logistics Education Programs
  • Marine Corps Logistics Education Program
  • Critical Infrastructure Program (CIP)
  • DLA Logistics Sector Representative
  • USMC, Logistics Representative
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