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JCSDA External Research

Project Title Institution Principal Investigator Performance
Administered By
Fiscal Year 2011
Maintaining high quality spectroscopy for the Community Radiative Transfer Model Atmospheric & Environmental Research (AER) Vivienne Payne, PI 2 yrs.
from 6/2011
Development of a common, consistent infrared and microwave emissivity database for use as a priori information in the JCSDA ESTELLUS Filipe Aires, PI 2 yrs.
from 6/2011
Improved impact of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Radiance Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction NASA/MSFC Bradley Zavodsky, PI 2 yrs.
from 6/2011
Fiscal Year 2010
Radiative Transfer Modeling Support to the JCSDA (Applic. #2176792) Atmospheric & Environmental Research (AER) Jean-Luc Moncet, PI
Vivienne Payne, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
Techniques for Assimilating Geostationary Lightning Mapper Data & Assessment of the Resulting Impact on Forecasts NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory Don MacGorman, PI
Edward Mansell, Co-PI
Conrad Ziegler, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
Research in Support of Radiance Assimilation of Clouds & Precipitation University of Wisconsin Tom Greenwald, PI
Ralf Bennartz, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
Data Assimilation of Lighting in WRF 4-D VAR Using Observation Operators (Applic. #2176840) Florida State University Henry Fuelberg, PI
I. Michael Navon, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
Utility of GOES-R Instruments for Hurricane Data Assimilation & Forecasting Colorado State University Milija Zupanski, PI
Louis Grasso, Co-PI
Dusanka, Zupanski, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
Evaluation & Further Improvement of Land Surface Temperature... (Applic. #2176847) University of Arizona Xubin Zeng, PI
Michael Barlage, PI
Zhuo Wang, Co-PI
Fei Chen, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
CIMSS Participation in the Utility of GOES-R Instruments for Hurricane Data Assimilation & Forecasting University of Wisconson Jun Li, PI
Milija Zupanski, PI
Dusanska Zupanski, Co-PI
Louis Grasso, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
MODIS & AVHRR-derived Polar Winds Experiments-using the NCEP GDAS/GFS University of Wisconsin David Santek, PI
James Jung, Co-PI
3 yrs.
from 6/2010
Fiscal Year 07-09
Error models for remotely sensed surface heights and temperature in ocean data assimilation LDEO of University of Columbia A. Kaplan 3 yrs. from 6/1/2007 NOAA / FFO
Impact of representation error of satellite and in-situ data for assimilation into ocean climate models Oregon State Univ R. Miller 3 yrs. from 6/1/2007 NOAA / FFO
Improving the NOAH model for better NOAH/CRTM coupling and accelerated use of satellite data over land University of Arizona Z. Zeng 3 yrs. from 6/1/2007 NOAA / FFO
Observation error characterization for radiance assimilation of clouds and precipitation University of Wisconsin R. Bennartz 3 yrs. from 6/1/2007 NOAA / FFO
Comparison of satellite data impact in Navy and NASA GOESS forecast system using adjoint methods Navy Research Lab R. Langland 3 yrs. from 6/1/2007 NOAA / FFO
Land surface thermal infrared emissivity database development and modeling University of Maryland S. Liang 3 yrs. from 6/1/2007 NOAA / FFO
Fiscal Year 06-08
Improved Spectroscopy for Microwave Data Assimilation AER Inc. J. Moncet 3 yrs. from 6/1/2006 NOAA / FFO
Use of Kernel Methods in data Selection & Thinning for Satellite Data Assimilation in NWP Models University of Oklahoma L. Leslie 3 yrs. from 6/1/2006 NOAA / FFO
Integrating Recent Remote Sensing Products to Improve the Representation of Vegetation and Transportation Processes in the Noah Land Surface Model National Center for Atmospheric Research F. Chen 3 yrs. from 6/1/2006 NOAA / FFO
Improving Clouds and Precipitation for NWP Assimilation Using satellite Measurements CICS/University of Maryland N. Wang 3 yrs. from 6/1/2006 NOAA / FFO
Fiscal Year 05-07
Development of a Global Near-Real Time Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis for Use in Aerosol Transport Models Naval Research Laboratory J.S. Reid 3 yrs. from 6/1/2005 NOAA / FFO
Improved Photochemical Parameterizations of Stratospheric O3 and H2O for NWP Systems Naval Research Laboratory J.P. McCormack 2 yrs. from 6/1/2005 NOAA / FFO
Assimilation of a Broadband Radiative Variable for Climate Model Diagnostic of Cloud by OLR - A Prefix study CICS/University of Maryland H.T. Lee 1 yr. from 6/1/2005 NOAA / FFO
Assimilation of EOS AURA O3 data for NWP and AQ applications NASA Goddard Modeling and Assimilation Office I. Stajner 3 yrs. from 6/1/2005 NOAA / FFO
Satellite Channel selection w/ Data Assimilation Adjoint Naval Research Laboratory R.H. Langland 3 yrs. from 6/1/2005 NOAA / FFO
Fiscal Year 04-05
Toward Passive Microwave Radiance Assimilation of clouds and precipitation University of Wisconsin R. Bennartz 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Polar Winds Data Assimilation Experiments NESDIS J.Key 1 yr. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Errors in Sea level height analyses: accounting for the small-scale and short-term variability Columbia University A. Kaplan 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Integration of Satellite Observations with the NOAH Land Model for Snow Data Assimilation University of Arizona X. Zeng 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Global Microwave Surface Emissivity Error Analysis Colorado State University A. Jones 1 yr. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Improving Analysis of Tropical Upper Ocean Conditions for Forecasting University of Maryland J. Carton 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Including Atmospheric Aerosols in the Optical Path Transmittance Model (OPTRAN) University of Maryland Baltimore County C. Weaver 1 yr. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Fiscal Year 04-06
Assimilation of MODIS and AMSR-E Land Models into the NOAH LSM CREW P. Houser 3 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Development of Improved forward models for retrieval of snow properties from EOS-era satellites Princeton University Eric Wood 3 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Development of Improved forward models for retrieval of snow properties from EOS-era satellites University of Washington D. Lettenmaier 3 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Real time estimation and assimilation of remotely sensed properties for numerical weather prediction models Boston University M. Friedl 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
SSMIS Brightness temperature evaluation in the context of data assimilation Naval Research Lab N. Baker 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Development of RT Models based on the Optimal Spectral Sampling (OSS) Method Atmosperic and Environmental Reseach, Inc. J. Moncet 3 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Fully polarimetric Surface Models and Microwave Radiative Transfer Computer Program for Data Assimilation NOAA/ETL A. Gasiewski 3 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
UCLS Vector Radiative Transfer Model for Application to Satellite Data Assimilation University California - Los Angeles K.N. Liou 2 yrs. from 6/1/2004 NOAA / FFO
Assimilation of Passive Mocrowave Radiances over land: Use of the JCSDA Common Microwave Emissivity Model (MEM) in Complex Terrain Naval Research Lab N. Baker 6/1/2004 - 5/31/2005 NOAA / FFO
Modified February 1, 2012 10:02 PM
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