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Department of Health and Human Services

Comment on Draft Reports and White Papers


Please fill out the form below to provide comments on the draft report associated with this topic.

Before you get started

  1. PLEASE NOTE: Most text-entry areas on this form have an 8,000-character limit.
  2. If you prefer, you can prepare your comments in an electronic document (*.doc, *.xls, and *.pdf) and upload it using the function below, or mail it to the address below. Comments submitted in writing will be handled in the same manner as those submitted online, including application of the privacy policy.

Scientific Resource Center
Portland VA Research Foundation
3170 SW U.S. Veterans Hospital Road
Mail code: R&D 71
Portland, Oregon 97239

Note: Draft evidence reports/technology assessments are distributed solely for the purpose of pre-release peer review. They have not been otherwise disseminated by AHRQ. They do not represent, and should not be construed to represent, an AHRQ determination or policy.


 Document available for comment: Nonoperative and Operative Treatments for Rotator Cuff Tears: Future Research Needs
Open for comment until 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Feb. 28, 2013 .

Supporting documents:
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Your Comments

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These file types can be uploaded: *.DOCX, *.DOC, *.XLSX, *.XLS, or *.PDF. The maximum file size is 50MBs.

Contact Information

Note: You are NOT required to provide any personal identification in order to comment on this report. However, you may provide such information if you are willing to be contacted if we have questions about your comments.

Disclosure Acceptance

Disclosure Policy for AHRQ Effective Health Care Program Public Review
Original Implementation Date: July 22, 2010; Most Recent Revision: July 22, 2010

The AHRQ Effective Health Care (EHC) Program supports and is committed to the transparency of its public review process. Review comments that are submitted in response to a public review announcement and received during a draft report review period will be publicly posted on the EHC Program Web site within 3 months after the associated final report is posted on this Web site. Each review comment will be listed with the reviewer's name and affiliation, if such information is provided. Reviewers are not required to provide their name or affiliation in order to submit comments. Please note that if reviewers include identifiable personal health information, it will be redacted. The report authors' responses to the comments (the "disposition of comments") will be posted on the same Web page as the associated final report.

Acceptance of Disclosure Policy (Required for comment acceptance.)

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