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The Publications section provides an index of articles by topic which have been published in criminal justice magazines, newsletters and periodicals.


Blog articleSex Offender Supervision in the Nation's Capital
(CSOSA's DC Public Safety Blog, December 10, 2010)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Domestic Violence Prevention in Washington, DC: The Domestic Violence Branch of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (Sheriff Magazine, January 2007)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format "The Violence Must Stop" Violence Reduction and Gang Call-Ins in Washington, D.C.
(Sheriff Magazine, November/December 2006)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Sustainable Community Involvement: A Solution to NIMBY in Community Corrections?

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Managing the Mentally Ill Offender
(, September 2006)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format We Fix the Complexities of Life: Managing Mentally Ill Offenders in Washington, D.C.
(, September 2006)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format CSOSA Community Supervision Improvements Since 2002

Adobe Acrobat PDF format A Guide to Resources Within CSOSA
(Journal of Community Corrections, International Community Corrections Association, Summer 2006)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format  Supervising Criminal Offenders in Washington, D.C. (Corrections Today, February 2006)

Supervision Tools

Calvin Johnson and Washington, D.C.'s parole and probation agency apply business intelligence (Information Management Magazine, June 2009)

Risky Business (, June 2008)

CSOSA Wins Analytics Award (Government Computer News, May 23, 2008)

CSOSA Awarded the SAS Enterprise Intelligence Award
(SAS, May 28, 2008)

Money Ball: Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Project Gets Major Performance Measurement (Public CIO, January 2008)

Good Luck Beating SAS (, November 2007)

5 BI Potholes to Bypass (Computerworld, September 2007)

Smartforce (Government Computer News, September 2007)

Building DC's Data Warehouse (Government Computer News, September 2007)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format AUTO Screener: An Intelligent Way of Assessing Offender Risk (Corrections Today, January 2006)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format SMART Offenders (TechBeat, Summer 2005)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format SMART Computers: The Cutting Edge of Offender Supervision (Technology Network at, September 2005)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Technology That Works: An Overview of the Supervision and Management Automated Record Tracking (SMART) Application (Corrections Today, July 2004)

Offender Reentry

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Returning From Prison to Washington, DC: "We Make Transition Possible"

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Treatment, Education and Job Related Services for Offenders on Community Supervision: A Guide to Resources Within CSOSA

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Back to Rivers (November 2005)

CSOSA Helps Ex-Offenders in DC
(Weed & Seed In-Sites Magazine, Spring 2005, Community Capacity Development Office, U.S. Department of Justice)

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Office in District of Columbia Targets Re-entry and Education (Corrections Connection Education Network, March 2001)


The Core Mission: Partnerships for Public Safety
(Weed & Seed In-Sites Magazine, Fall/Winter 2006, Community Capacity Development Office, U.S. Department of Justice)


*Note: Downloading some of the above listed articles requires
Adobe Acrobat PDF file format Adobe Acrobat.

News and Media


For additional information on CSOSA media releases contact:

Leonard A. Sipes, Jr.

Senior Public Affairs Specialist

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

633 Indiana Avenue, NW Suite 1263

Washington, DC 20004

202-220-5616 (Work)

240-882-8274 (Cell)